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56693 习近平指出,这次新冠肺炎疫情防控是对治理体系和治理能力的一次大考,既有经验,也有教训。 Xi pointed out that the response to the epidemic is a big test of China's governance system and capacity. There are both experience and lessons.
56694 要放眼长远,总结经验教训,加快补齐治理体系的短板和弱项,为保障人民生命安全和身体健康筑牢制度防线。 People should take a long-term view, draw experience and lessons for the future, and work swiftly to address inadequacies and fix weak links in the governance system, so as to consolidate the institutional defense to ensure people's health and safety.
56695 要着力完善城市治理体系和城乡基层治理体系,树立“全周期管理”意识,努力探索超大城市现代化治理新路子。 Efforts should be made to enhance urban governance as well as urban and rural community management. People should develop "full-cycle management" awareness, and explore new ways of modernizing the governance of mega cities.
56696 中央广播电视总台央视记者:我们注意到中韩联防联控合作机制第二次会议上,双方宣布建立两国重要和急需人员往来“快捷通道”。 CCTV: We have noted that at the second meeting of the China-ROK joint response and cooperation mechanism on COVID-19, the two sides announced the establishment of a "fast track" arrangement for travelers on essential and urgent businesses.
56697 你能否介绍一下具体情况? Could you give us more details?
56698 耿爽:新冠肺炎疫情发生以来,中韩两国始终风雨同舟,守望相助。 Geng Shuang: Since the outbreak of COVID-19, China and the ROK have always stood together and helped each other.
56699 根据两国元首达成的重要共识,中韩率先成立了外交部门牵头、多部门参与的联防联控合作机制,加强抗疫合作,取得显著成效。 In accordance with the important consensus reached by the heads of state of the two countries, China and the ROK took the lead in setting up a joint response and cooperation mechanism led by the two foreign ministries and involving multiple departments, and strengthened anti-epidemic cooperation with remarkable results.
56700 机制成立以来,中韩双方继续在防疫物资供给及援助等方面开展暖心合作,并保持着相互病例“零输出”的纪录。 Since the establishment of the mechanism, China and the ROK have continued with the heart-warming cooperation in terms of mutual assistance in epidemic prevention materials, and maintained the record of zero exported case added to each other's caseloads.
56701 这支持了两国抗疫大局,也为国际抗疫合作树立了典范。 This has supported the overall anti-epidemic efforts of the two countries and set a good example for international cooperation in fighting the virus.
56702 昨天中韩举行了联防联控合作机制第二次视频会议。 Yesterday China and the ROK held the second video conference of the joint response and cooperation mechanism on COVID-19.