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56703 最重要的成果就是宣布建立中韩重要商务、物流、生产和技术服务急需人员往来“快捷通道”。 The most important outcome was the establishment of a "fast-track" entry system for travelers who have essential and urgent trips to make in the sectors of business, logistics, production and technical services.
56704 这里我愿介绍一下相关情况。 I would like to give you more details.
56705 中韩互为重要近邻和重要经贸合作伙伴。 China and the ROK are important neighbors and partners for economic and trade cooperation.
56706 “快捷通道”旨在在确保疫情防控前提下,为中韩重要的复工复产急需人员往来提供便利,维护发展两国经贸合作,保持两国产业链、供应链稳定畅通。 The purpose of the "fast track" entry is to expedite entry for those who are urgently needed for resumption of essential work and production, while ensuring adequate epidemic prevention and control, so as to maintain and develop bilateral economic and trade cooperation and keep the industrial and supply chains of the two countries stable and unimpeded.
56707 双方都认为,建立“快捷通道”将助力中韩两国更好地统筹推进疫情防控和经济社会发展,也有利于地区乃至全球产业链、供应链的稳定运行。 Both sides believe that this will help better coordinate the two goals of epidemic control and socio-economic development, and also contribute to the stability of regional and global industrial and supply chains.
56708 中韩“快捷通道”安排的总原则是对等互惠。 The general principle of the "fast track" arrangement between China and the ROK is reciprocity and mutual benefit,
56709 当然由于两国防疫要求并不完全相同,所以具体措施也不是机械的完全对应。 but as the two countries have different requirements in epidemic prevention and control, the specific measures adopted by the two sides on the ground do not have to be exactly the same.
56710 具体而言,中方首批将有十个省市适用“快捷通道”办法,届时,有需要的韩方企业需要提出申请并经审批同意。 Specifically, the "fast track" arrangement will first be applicable to ten Chinese provinces and cities. ROK travelers can apply for visa after applications submitted by their companies are approved.
56711 此后,相关韩方人员可以按规定申请来华签证,经过健康监测、检疫检测合格,可以缩短入境后的隔离时间,其后总体按闭环原则全程接受有效管理。 After passing through health-screening and quarantine procedures, they will be quarantined for a shorter period of time in China, and their whole stay in China will be effectively managed, forming a closed loop to ensure safety.
56712 希望适用“快捷通道”的中方人员须向韩国驻华使领馆申办签证同时申请免除隔离, Chinese travelers to the ROK who wish to use the "fast track" need to apply for exemption from quarantine when applying for visa from the ROK embassy or consulates in China.