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56713 如符合韩方审批条件且出境前、入境后检疫检测合格,可以免除隔离,接受韩方动态防疫管理。 If they meet the conditions for approval of the ROK side and test negative for the coronavirus before departing for and after arriving in the ROK, they will be exempted from quarantine and accept flexible epidemic prevention management of the ROK side.
56714 疫情防控常态化背景下,中韩建立“快捷通道”是一项创举。 As epidemic prevention and control becomes a new normal, the establishment of a "fast track" entry between China and the ROK represents a groundbreaking initiative.
56715 双方将加强沟通协调,结合两国疫情形势和防控政策不断调整完善相关方案。 The two sides will strengthen communication and coordination, and continue discussing ways to improve and expand the program in light of the situation and the prevention and control policies of the two countries.
56716 疫情当前,世界各国应当携手合作,共同努力。 At present, the situation requires the joint efforts of all countries in the world.
56717 中方愿同包括韩方在内的国际社会一道,进一步加强抗疫合作,为早日战胜疫情、维护地区和全球公共卫生安全、稳定世界经济作出积极贡献,共同构建和谐美好的人类家园。 China is ready to work with the international community, including the ROK, to further strengthen anti-epidemic cooperation, make contributions to overcoming the virus at an early date, maintaining regional and global public health security and stabilizing the world economy, and jointly build a harmonious and beautiful homeland for mankind.
56718 彭博社记者追问:中国是否同其他国家有类似的安排?是哪些国家? Bloomberg: Just a quick follow-up on that. Do you have other plans or similar programs with other countries? If so, which countries?
56719 耿爽:刚才我介绍了中韩之间“快捷通道”的最新进展和有关情况。 Geng Shuang: I talked about the latest developments of the "fast track" between China and the ROK.
56720 我们也愿同其他国家商谈建立类似的“快捷通道”,目的是在疫情常态化背景下,既坚决防止疫情反弹,又推动复工复产和经济发展,同时保障国际产业链、供应链稳定运行。 We would like to discuss establishing such "fast track" arrangements with other countries. Against the backdrop of regular epidemic prevention and control, the "fast track" arrangements can help resume work, production, economic growth and the stable functioning of international industrial and supply chains while preventing the resurgence of COVID-19.
56721 我可以告诉你的是,我们已经同一些国家在就此进行商讨。 We are discussing that with some other countries.
56722 中新社记者:美国国务卿蓬佩奥28日称,中国仍未允许国际社会进入武汉病毒研究所调查新冠病毒的可能来源,希美伙伴继续要求中国回答病毒来源问题。 CNS: US Secretary of State Pompeo said on April 28 that the world hasn't gained access to the WIV (Wuhan Institute of Virology) to know more about the origin of COVID-19, and he hoped partners of the US will continue asking China to respond.