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56723 中方对此有何评论? I wonder if you have any comment?
56724 耿爽:关于有些人针对武汉病毒研究所散布的谣言,该所研究员、武汉国家生物安全实验室主任袁志明先生日前接受路透社专访时已作出了全面回应。 Geng Shuang: Regarding some people's rumors on the Wuhan Institute of Virology, Mr. Yuan Zhiming made a thorough statement during his recent interview with Reuters. Mr. Yuan is a researcher at the WIV and director of China's National Biosafety Laboratory.
56725 正如袁志明先生指出,新冠病毒基因组没有任何人为改造的痕迹。 Like Mr. Yuan Zhiming pointed out, there is no evidence to prove that the virus has traces of artificial synthesis.
56726 有关病毒系由武汉病毒研究所合成的说法毫无根据,纯粹是无中生有。该所不具备设计并创造一种新型冠状病毒的能力,也从来没有这么做过。 The claim of this virus being synthesized by the WIV is just baseless, because the WIV doesn't have the capability to design and synthesize the virus, and it has never done so.
56727 袁志明先生还否认了有关实验室意外泄露从蝙蝠身上采集冠状病毒的谣言,强调该实验室严格执行生物安全程序。 Mr. Yuan also clarified the rumor of "accidental leakage of the virus that was collected from bats", stressing that the lab strictly follows biosafety procedures.
56728 我想再次指出,病毒溯源问题是一个复杂的科学问题,应由科学家和专业人士去研究。 I'd like to emphasize that tracing the origin of the virus is a complex matter of science, which should be studied by scientists and professionals.
56729 我们奉劝美国政客停止向中国“甩锅”、转移国际注意力,还是把时间和精力用到控制好本国疫情上来。 We urge American politicians to stop shifting the blame to China and diverting the attention of the international community. They should be focusing on containing the epidemics at home.
56730 深圳卫视记者:近期有人指责中国在新冠肺炎疫情暴发初期并未像自己所说那样采取及时有效的防控手段,导致国内新冠肺炎病例向国外输出。 Shenzhen TV: Some foreign academicians and media recently said China failed to take effective and timely prevention and control measures at the early stage of the COVID-19 epidemic as it claimed, leading to export of novel coronavirus cases to other countries.
56731 中方对此有何回应? How do you respond to that?
56732 耿爽:这种论调既不符合事实,也是对中国人民为防控疫情付出巨大努力和牺牲的不尊重。 Geng Shuang: Such allegation runs counter to the facts and utterly disrespects the tremendous efforts and sacrifice made by the Chinese people.