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56733 面对疫情,中方作为世界卫生组织《国际卫生条例》的缔约国,始终本着公开、透明、负责任的态度,采取了最全面、最严格和最彻底的举措,认真履行《国际卫生条例》规定的职责和义务,中方按照《中华人民共和国国境卫生检疫法》和《中华人民共和国传染病防治法》的规定,科学采取并及时调整出境卫生检疫措施,严防疫情跨境传播。 In face of the epidemics, as a signatory to the WHO's International Health Regulations, China has taken the most comprehensive, strict and thorough measures in an open, transparent and responsible manner, earnestly fulfilled the duties and obligations and adopted and adjusted border exit health and quarantine measures in a scientific and timely fashion in accordance with the Border Health and Quarantine Law of the People's Republic of China and the Law of the People's Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases to prevent cross-border transmission.
56734 这里我愿同大家分享几个重要的时间节点: Here I'd like to share the timeline with you all.
56735 1月3日起,中方定期向世界卫生组织及有关国家和地区通报疫情信息。 Since January 3, China has been updating the WHO and relevant countries and regions of the epidemic on a regular basis.
56736 中国海关总署于当天下发了文件,要求各海关采取有针对性的口岸出境卫生检疫措施。 The General Administration of Customs of China on the same day issued a document which asked local customs to take targeted border exit health and quarantine measures.
56737 1月20日,中国国家卫健委发布公告,将新冠肺炎纳入《中华人民共和国国境卫生检疫法》规定的检疫传染病管理,纳入《中华人民共和国传染病防治法》规定的乙类传染病,并采取甲类传染病的预防、控制措施。 On January 20, the NHC issued a notice to classify the novel coronavirus pneumonia as a quarantinable infectious disease according to the Border Health and Quarantine Law of the People's Republic of China and category-B infectious disease according to the Law of the People's Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases, and take preventive and control measures on the level of a category-A infectious disease.
56738 中方据此要求出入境人员配合海关做好体温监测、医学巡查排查等卫生检疫工作。 Accordingly, China asked all cross-border travelers to cooperate with the customs in temperature monitoring, medical inspection and screening, and other quarantine measures.
56739 对拟出境人员中出现确诊或疑似病例、有症状者、密切接触者,中方都按照有关规定将相关人员移交地方联防联控机制实施隔离、留验等后续处置。 Those among travelers going abroad who were confirmed cases, suspected cases, having symptoms and having intimate contact with confirmed cases were transferred to local epidemic control authorities for quarantine and further examination.
56740 1月23日,武汉暂时关闭机场、火车站等离汉通道。此前,中国海关对于有发热等症状的出境旅客,均采取劝导暂缓出境或移交指定医疗机构进行诊治等方式妥善处置。 On January 23, the city of Wuhan suspended outbound transportation including by air and rail. Before that, the Chinese customs already took proper measures to manage outbound travelers with symptoms of fever, who were exhorted to suspend their travel plan or transferred to designated medical institutions for diagnosis and treatment.
56741 1月23日起,中国全国口岸对所有出境疑似病例均实施新冠肺炎病毒核酸检测。 Since January 23, all ports in China have conducted COVID-19 nucleic acid test on each and every outbound suspected case.
56742 中方均将每日检出的阳性案例向世卫组织通报,便于各国及时开展疫情研判等工作。 China also reported the newly-tested positive cases to the WHO every day so that all countries can assess and study the situation timely.