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56743 1月25日,中国海关总署启动实施出境健康申报,要求所有出境人员向海关卫生检疫部门进行健康申报,如实填报个人健康状况和旅行史等。 On January 25, the GACC started to launch the health declaration measures by requesting all outbound travelers to declare their health status to health and quarantine officers of China Customs, including their health conditions and history of travel.
56744 1月30日,世卫组织总干事召集突发事件委员会会议,宣布疫情构成国际关注的突发公共卫生事件。 On January 30, the WHO Director-General declared the COVID-19 outbreak a Public Health Emergency of International Concern, or PHIEC, following a meeting of the International Health Regulations (2005) Emergency Committee.
56745 当时,中国境外确诊病例只有82例。美国和欧洲分别只有5例和10例,且没有死亡病例。 There were only 82 confirmed cases outside China, of which five were in the US and ten in Europe, with no fatality by then.
56746 刚才我介绍的,只是中方为遏制疫情蔓延采取防控措施的一部分。 What I detailed is just part of what China has done in an attempt to stem the COVID-19 spread.
56747 疫情发生以来,中方始终跟时间赛跑,与病毒作战,不断细化强化疫情防控措施,打好疫情防控阻击战。 Since the outbreak, China has been racing against time and the virus by continuously refining and strengthening prevention and control measures.
56748 中国政府和人民克服巨大困难,付出巨大牺牲,在做好国内疫情防控的同时,也为降低疫情国际传播履行了应尽义务。 The Chinese government and people have striven to overcome difficulties and made enormous sacrifices to fulfill due obligations to reduce the cross-border spread of the COVID-19 while maintaining anti-epidemic efforts at home. Our important contributions have been well recognized by the international community.
56749 我还清楚地记得,现在对中国进行无端指责的个别国家前段时间还在对中国抗击疫情表示赞赏。 As I recall clearly, certain countries that are now hurling groundless accusations against China were actually applauding China's combat against the epidemic not long ago.
56750 他们的话言犹在耳,但现在就翻脸不认账。 How could they flip-flop to deny what was kept in public records?
56751 我不知道是中国做错了什么,还是他们想刻意隐瞒、回避什么? Is it because of anything wrong on China's part, or just because they want to hide or fudge anything?
56752 俄新社记者:关于中韩“快捷通道”的问题。我没听错的话,你刚才说对于从韩国来华人员,中方会缩短隔离时间。那缩短后他们需要隔离几天? RIA Novosti: To follow up on the "fast track" arrangement between China and the ROK, if I heard correctly, you said those coming from the ROK will be quarantined for a shorter period of time in China. So exactly how many days will they be quarantined?