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56753 耿爽:现在应该是14天,对吧? Geng Shuang: It is 14 days now, correct?
56754 记者:对。 Follow-up: Yes.
56755 耿爽:肯定会比14天短,我现在没有一个具体数字。但是,出台这一政策的目的是要便利他们的往来。 Geng Shuang: So now is 14 days. I'm sure the quarantine period will be shorter. I don't have an exact number now, but I think since the policy is to facilitate personnel exchange, the time period will be substantially shortened.
56756 所以,应该是比较实质性的缩短,如果只缩短一两天也就没什么意义了,对吧? It won't make much of a difference if it's only a day or two shorter, right?
56757 路透社记者:美国总统特朗普昨天接受路透社采访说,中国正想方设法让他输掉大选,中方对此有何评论? Reuters: President Trump told Reuters in an interview yesterday that China wants him to lose the election and will do anything they can to make him lose. What is your comment?
56758 第二,特朗普总统在回答关税等问题时称,中国可能要为自己应对新冠肺炎疫情的表现负责,他本人正在考虑各种选项。外交部对此有何评论? He also said in the same interview that he's looking into different options in terms of consequences that China may face over its handling of the virus, in response to a question about tariffs and other measures. What's the ministry's comment?
56759 耿爽:关于第一个问题,我们多次说过,美国大选是美国的内部事务,中方没有兴趣去干预。同时我们也希望美国的国内政治不要拿中国说事儿。 Geng Shuang: Regarding the first question, like we said repeatedly, the presidential election is an internal affair of the US. We are not interested in meddling. In the meantime, we hope the US will stop dragging China into its domestic politics.
56760 关于第二个问题,最近我们多次用时间线的方式,花了比较长的时间,介绍中方抗击疫情和开展国际合作的有关情况。 On your second question, I've been answering similar questions lately and sharing a detailed time-line of China's efforts on many occasions.
56761 有一点很明确,那就是中方始终坚持公开、透明、负责任的态度。我们管控住自己国内的疫情,同时也为国际抗疫斗争作出了重要贡献。对此国际社会普遍给予充分肯定和高度赞赏。 One thing is clear: in an open, transparent and responsible spirit, China has contained COVID-19 at home and made important contribution to the global fight, which is fully recognized and highly commended by the international community.
56762 一段时间以来,美国的个别政客罔顾事实,抹黑攻击中国,企图推卸自身抗疫不力的责任,转移视线、“甩锅”推责。 For some time, certain US politicians neglects facts and attempt to shirk their responsibility and hide their incompetence by blaming China.