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56763 这种做法抹杀不了中国人民经过艰苦努力取得的抗疫成果,只会暴露美方个别人的险恶用心以及他们自身存在的严重问题。 But such attempts, instead of eliminating the progress our people made through arduous efforts, will only expose certain US individuals' malicious intentions and the serious problems in the US.
56764 至于美方所谓的追责问题,我们以前多次说过,病毒是人类的共同敌人,中方也是病毒的受害者,而不是病毒的同谋。 As for "demanding accountability", like we said many times, the virus is a common enemy to all mankind. China is a victim, not an accomplice.
56765 受害者同命相连,应该团结协作。美方个别人应该清楚,他们的敌人是病毒,而不是中国。 As victims hit by the same virus, we have a stake in each other's well-being and should stay united and work together. Certain people in the US should be aware that their enemy is the virus, not China.
56766 面对重大公共卫生危机,国际社会需要的是携起手来,而不是制造各种名目去拆别人的台。 Faced with a major public health crisis, the international community needs to join hands instead of undercutting others' efforts under various pretexts.
56767 美方也必须清楚,疫情当前,大家应该同舟共济。 The US should also be clear that countries should tide over the difficulties together.
56768 这时候拆别人的台,最终也将拆了自己的台。 Undermining others' endeavors will only end up damaging its own.
56769 中央广播电视总台央广记者:近期,西班牙《国家报》、《世界报》等主流媒体炒作中方出口防疫物资质量问题,称山东盖瑞银河公司出口的部分口罩渗透率高,未达到医用口罩级别; CNR: Spain's mainstream media like El País and El Mundo have published sensational stories about the quality of China's epidemic prevention materials, saying that the permeability rate of some masks exported by Shandong Garry Galaxy Biotechnology Co.Ltd is so high that they are not up to the standards of surgical masks.
56770 广东深圳易瑞公司出口的新冠肺炎检测试剂两轮测试均不达标。 Also, the COVID-19 test kits exported by Shenzhen Bioeasy Biotechnology Co.Ltd in Guangdong failed to meet the standards in two rounds of tests.
56771 中方对此有何评论? What is China's comment?
56772 耿爽:关于西班牙媒体反映的中国出口防疫物资质量问题,中国有关部门高度重视,进行了认真调查。 Geng Shuang: Regarding these exports' quality issue reported by the Spanish media, relevant departments attach great importance to it and have conducted in-depth investigations.