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56773 经过调查,盖瑞银河公司出口的口罩是日常防护型口罩,不是医用口罩。 The masks exported by Garry Galaxy are for daily protection, thus they are not surgical ones.
56774 易瑞公司出口的是新冠病毒抗原检测试剂盒,这类产品由于相关验证数据尚不充分,中国国家药监局尚未批准任何一例抗原检测试剂,但按照国外一些地区和国家标准,一些产品取得了国外认证,已经获准上市。 What Bioeasy Biotechnology exported are COVID-19 antigen test kits. Such products have not been approved by China's National Medical Products Administration due to insufficient verification data, but some products have obtained foreign certification according to the standards of some other countries and have been approved to enter the market.
56775 对此,中方企业事先向外方说明有关情况,但外方坚持购买,后来又提出异议,据了解,中方企业已全额退还预付款。 The Chinese companies explained the situation to the purchasing parties in advance, but the latter insisted on the purchase and raised the quality issue afterwards. The Chinese companies fully refunded the advance payment.
56776 这里我要重申,中方高度重视出口防疫医疗物资质量问题,近期商务部会同海关总署、药监局、市场监管总局已就有序开展医疗物资出口、加强质量监管出台了多项举措。 I would like to reiterate that China attaches great importance to the quality of exports for epidemic prevention and control purpose. Recently, the Ministry of Commerce, together with the General Administration of Customs, the National Medical Products Administration and the State Administration of Market Regulation, has taken a number of measures to ensure orderly export of medical materials and strengthen quality control.
56777 防疫物资出口中出现的质量问题,很多是因为中外质量标准不同,使用习惯存在差异,外方未严格按照产品用途使用造成的。 Many quality problems appeared because of different standards applied in and outside China, differences in usage habits, and failure to strictly follow instructions for users.
56778 中方将会继续严格执行监管政策,确保防疫物资出口质量,同时也希望外方加强采购商在进口环节的质量检测,并严格按照产品的适用范围和操作规程正确使用。 China will continue to strictly implement regulatory policies to ensure the quality of epidemic prevention materials. We also hope that the purchasing party will strengthen quality testing during the import process and use the products in strict accordance with the scope of application and operating procedures.
56779 如果出现问题,双方应按商业化原则通过协商妥善地加以解决。 In case of any problem, both parties shall settle it properly through consultation following commercial principles.
56780 彭博社记者:特朗普在采访中称,他正考虑用各种方式惩罚中国政府。 Bloomberg: President Trump said in the interview that he was considering various ways to punish the Chinese government.
56781 我想问一下,你怎么看待他这种考虑? How do you see this consideration specifically?
56782 耿爽:我刚才回答路透社记者提问时说了,新冠病毒肺炎完全是一场天灾。 Geng Shuang: As I said in response to a question from Reuters, the COVID-19 is a natural disaster.