ID 原文 译文
56783 中国和美国一样,都是病毒的受害者。 China, like the US, is a victim of the virus.
56784 受害者同命相连,应该团结协作、共克时艰。 The victims share the same destiny and should work together to overcome the difficulties.
56785 美方应该清楚,他们的敌人是病毒,而不是中国。 The US should know that its enemy is the virus, not China.
56786 这个时候他们的当务之急,是聚焦国内的疫情防控,推动国际抗疫合作,而不是去攻击抹黑中国,甩锅推责给中国。 At this particular time, they should focus on domestic epidemic control and international anti-epidemic cooperation, rather than attack, smear and shift the blame to China.
56787 至于所谓的惩罚以及追责。我记得我们以前在记者会上多次说过,这种说法并没有任何法律上的依据,在国际上也没有这方面的先例。 As for the so-called punishment and accountability, as I recall, we said many times at this podium that there is neither legal basis nor international precedent for such claims.
56788 我不记得以前发生H1N1流感、埃博拉、寨卡这些重大疫情之后,有谁受到惩罚了?有谁为此担责了? Was anyone punished or held accountable after major outbreaks such as the H1N1 flu, Ebola and Zika?
56789 当务之急,国际社会还是应该增进互信,加强团结,共同抗击疫情。 It is imperative for the international community to enhance mutual trust, strengthen unity and jointly combat the pandemic.
56790 正如我刚才说的,这时候拆别人的台,最终也将拆了自己的台。 As I just said, undermining others' endeavors will only end up damaging one's own.
56791 路透社记者:特朗普总统在采访中还称,新冠肺炎疫情造成的经济影响严重扰乱了中美经贸协议。关于疫情背景下中美经贸协议的状态,我们已经向商务部提问,请问外交部有没有什么补充? Reuters: Just one more question relating to that interview. President Trump said that the trade deal had been upset very badly by the economic fallout of the virus. We are already pulling out comment with the Ministry of Commerce, but does the foreign ministry have any information on the status of the trade deal under the coronavirus?
56792 耿爽:关于中美第一阶段经贸协议,建议你还是向商务部询问。 Geng Shuang: Regarding the phase one trade deal between China and the US, I'd still refer you to the Ministry of Commerce.