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56793 北京青年报记者:近期,国际社会高度关注新冠肺炎疫情对全球粮食安全可能造成的影响。 Beijing Youth Daily: Recently there has been much concern on the possible impact of COVID-19 pandemic on global food security.
56794 联合国秘书长古特雷斯表示,疫情威胁着全球粮食安全,国际社会确保食品供应链不受扰乱至关重要。 UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said that the COVID-19 spread is a threat to food security and we must make sure that all supply chains are maintained.
56795 世界银行报告预测,疫情持续蔓延可能导致全球粮食安全危机。 A World Bank report projected that the spreading COVID-19 has the potential to spark a food security crisis.
56796 世界粮食计划署表示,今年将有2.65亿人面临严重粮食短缺,比去年增加1.3亿。 According to a WFP projection, the number of people facing acute food insecurity stands to rise to 265 million in 2020, up by 130 million compared to last year, as a result of the economic impact of COVID-19.
56797 中方如何看疫情背景下维护粮食安全的问题? What is China's view on safeguarding food security against the backdrop of the pandemic?
56798 是否会对有需要的国家伸出援手? Will it extend a helping hand to countries in need?
56799 耿爽:粮食是人类生存之本。 Geng Shuang: Humans cannot survive without food.
56800 粮食安全是一个国家稳定发展的前提,也是各国人民的基本诉求。 Food security is the precondition for the stability and development of a nation and the basic need of people in all countries.
56801 新冠肺炎疫情对全球粮食安全的影响已成为当前国际社会普遍关注的问题之一。 The impact of COVID-19 on global food security has become one of the major concerns on the global agenda.
56802 面对疫情“黑天鹅”,国际社会应当齐心协力,谨防粮食安全问题“灰犀牛”。 Facing such a black swan as the novel coronavirus, the international community should work together to guard against the grey rhino in food security.