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56803 我们认为,世界各国在做好本国疫情防控、维护全球公共卫生安全的同时,应当努力稳住本国的粮食生产、维持农业生产秩序; We believe that all countries should strive to stabilize their food production and uphold normal agricultural production while ensuring epidemic prevention and control and safeguarding global public health;
56804 维护粮食供应和价格稳定,减少贸易限制,保障全球粮食供应链的通畅; maintain stable food supply and price, reduce trade restrictions to ensure unfettered global food supply chain;
56805 支持联合国粮农组织等国际组织发挥作用,加强粮食生产信息共享、经验交流、技术合作、政策协同; support the role of FAO and other international organizations and strengthen information and experience sharing, technical cooperation and policy coordination in food production;
56806 切实提高对发展中国家尤其是最不发达国家的资金和技术支持,帮助他们提升粮食安全保障水平,维护全球粮食安全。 increase funding and technical support to developing countries, especially the least developed countries so as to help them better guarantee food security and uphold global food security.
56807 作为世界上最大的发展中国家和负责任大国,中国长期以来一直积极参与世界粮食安全治理,我们向亚洲、非洲、拉美和加勒比地区、太平洋岛国派遣了大批专家和技术人员,向有关国家提供力所能及的援助,已经成为联合国粮农组织南南合作框架下资金援助最多、派出专家最多、开展项目最多的发展中国家。 As the largest developing country and a responsible major country, China has all along proactively participated in world food security governance, sent experts and technicians to Asian, African, Latin American and the Caribbean and the Pacific Island countries and provided utmost assistance to relevant countries. China has now become the developing country that contributed the most funds, experts and projects under the FAO South-South cooperation framework.
56808 新冠肺炎疫情发生后,中方积极响应粮农组织倡议,回应相关国家要求,派出蝗灾防治工作组赴巴基斯坦协助开展工作,分享有益经验,援助治蝗物资,取得了积极效果。 Since COVID-19 began, China has been actively responding to FAO's initiatives and other countries' demands. A Chinese working group was sent to Pakistan to help contain the locust plague, share experience and provide supplies, which has yielded good results.
56809 我们还计划向同样受到蝗灾影响的东非国家提供技术支持和物资援助。 We are also planning to offer technical and material support to East African countries affected by locust plagues.
56810 中方在联合国、二十国集团等多边场合积极建言献策,与各方携手维护国际粮食产业链的稳定和安全,避免出现区域性粮食危机,为各国人民追求更大的发展提供坚实支撑。 China actively puts forward propositions in the UN, G20 and other multilateral occasions, works with all countries to safeguard the stability and security of international industrial chain of food, prevent regional food crisis and strengthen the basis for greater development in all countries.
56811 中国自古就有“民以食为天”的说法。 As an old Chinese saying goes, "food is the first necessity of people."
56812 粮食安全是稳定民生国运的压舱石,是世界和平发展的重要保障,也是国际社会落实联合国2030年可持续发展议程的重要内容。 Food security anchors people's wellbeing and a nation's prospects, secures the peaceful development of the world, and constitutes an important part in the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.