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56913 Over 13 million children globally did not receive any vaccines at all in 2018, many of whom live in countries with weak health systems. 2018 年,全球超过1300万儿童未接种任何疫苗,他们当中许多人生活在卫生体 系薄弱的国家。
56914 Given the current disruptions, this could create pathways to disastrous outbreaks in 2020 and well beyond. 鉴于目前疫情造成的免疫接种服务中断,在2020年乃至更久的时间内,脆弱的人群可能面临疾病灾难性暴发的风险。
56915 The stakes have never been higher. 这样的风险是前所未有的。
56916 As COVID-19 continues to spread globally, our life-saving work to provide children with vaccines is critical,” said Robin Nandy, UNICEF Principal Adviser and Chief of Immunization. 伴随2019冠状病毒病在全球不断蔓延,我们持续推进为儿童接种疫苗这一挽救生命的工作至关重要。联合国儿童基金会免疫项目主任、首席顾问罗宾·南迪 (Robin Nandy)说。
56917 “With disruptions in immunization services due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the fates of millions of young lives hang in the balance.” “疫情导致的免疫接种服务中断,将成百上千万儿童的生命置于了危险当中。”
56918 Widening pockets of unvaccinated children led to alarming measles outbreaks in 2019, including in high-income countries like the US, UK and France. 未接种儿童数量的不断增加导致了2019年麻疹疫情的大规模暴发,甚至在英国、美国和法国等高收入国家也发生了疫情。
56919 Among low-income countries, the gaps in measles coverage before COVID-19 were already alarming. 而在低收入国家,麻疹疫苗的覆盖率缺口在2019冠状病毒病疫情暴发之前便足以令人担忧。
56920 Between 2010 and 2018, Ethiopia had the highest number of children under one year of age who missed out on the first dose of measles, at nearly 10.9 million. 2010至2018年间,埃塞俄比亚是一岁以下儿童错过第一剂麻疹疫苗接种人数最多的国家,达到近 1090 万。
56921 Beyond measles, the immunization gaps were already quite dire, according to new regional profiles developed by UNICEF. 联合国儿童基金会编制的最新区域概况显示,免疫接种率不足问题已相当严峻,而不仅仅局限于麻疹。
56922 In Africa, more children have missed out on vaccines over the past years due to rising number of births and a stagnation in immunization services. 在非洲,由于出生人数不断攀升,与此同时免疫接种服务发展停滞,过去几年有越来越多的儿童没有接种疫苗。