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56923 For example, in West and Central Africa, coverage has stagnated at 70 per cent for DTP3 which is the lowest among all regions 例如,在西部和中部非洲,白喉-百日咳-破伤风三联疫苗的免疫接种率始终徘徊 在70%,在所有地区中处于最低水平。
56924 at 71 per cent for polio, and at 70 per cent for measles. 而该地区脊髓灰质炎和麻疹疫苗的免疫接种率则分别为71% 和70%。
56925 This has led to repeated outbreaks of measles and polio in countries such as the Democratic Republic of the Congo. 这导致了麻疹和脊髓灰质炎疫情在刚果民主共和国等国家屡次暴发。
56926 Meanwhile, in South Asia, an estimated 3.2 million children did not receive any vaccines in 2018. 在南亚,据估算有320 万儿童在 2018年未接种任何疫苗。
56927 In Eastern and Southern Africa, the number of unvaccinated children has remained almost the same for the last decade, at around 2 million. 在东部和南部非洲,未接种疫苗的儿童数量在过去十年中始终维持在约 200 万。
56928 All regions are now also battling COVID-19 outbreaks.  上述地区目前也都在着手抗击2019冠状病毒病疫情。
56929 UNICEF is sending critical vaccine supplies to immunize children, where possible, in areas with outbreaks and to replenish their routine supplies. 联合国儿童基金会正竭力为疫情暴发地区运送关键的疫苗,并对当地的日常库存进行补充,以保障儿童得到免疫接种服务。
56930 In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, for example, UNICEF is supporting the Government with vaccine supplies and protective equipment to continue immunization activities in North Kivu province, 例如,在刚果民主共和国,联合国儿童基金会正为北基伍省的地方政府提供疫苗用品和防护装备,以使当地免疫接种活动持续进行。
56931 As the world races to develop and test a new COVID-19 vaccine, UNICEF and partners in the Measles & Rubella Initiative and Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance are calling on governments and donors to: 在全球紧锣密鼓研发2019冠状病毒病疫苗之际,联合国儿童基金会及麻疹和风疹接种计划(M&RI)和全球疫苗免疫联盟(GAVI)等合作伙伴呼吁各国政府和 捐助方:
56932 Sustain immunization services while keeping health workers and communities safe;   在保障医护人员及社区安全的同时持续提供免疫接种服务;