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56943 That underscores the risk of adverse hunger trends ahead. 这凸显了未来饥饿趋势出现进一步恶化的风险。
56944 The new FAO Policy Brief offers an analysis of food supply data since 1995, which is linked to FAO's statistical development of the prevalence of undernourishment (PoU) indicator, and correlates them to past local economic trends in countries that are net food importers. 新的简报分析了1995年以来的粮食供应数据,并将此数据与粮农组织食物不足发生率指标的历史统计数据和粮食净进口国的当地历史经济趋势建立了关联。
56945 It notes that in the absence of timely and effective policies, millions of people are likely to join the ranks of the hungry as a result of the COVID-19-triggered recession. 简报指出,如果缺乏及时有效的政策,新冠疫情引发的衰退可能导致数千万人陷入饥饿。
56946 That number will vary according to the severity of economic contractions, ranging from 14.4 million to 38.2 million people, 这一数字会随经济萎缩的严重程度而有所不同,从1440万到3820万不等。
56947 or even 80.3 million should there be a truly devastating contraction of 10 percentage points in all 101 net food-importing countries' GDP growth. 如果101个粮食净进口国的国内生产总值增长下滑10个百分点,经济遭到实质性破坏,这一数字甚至会高达8030万。
56948 The Policy Brief warns that the actual outcome could be worse if current inequalities in access to food are worsened. 简报警告,如果当前的粮食获取不平等状况恶化,实际结果可能会更糟。
56949 It includes scenarios and methodology and a technical note was developed and published simultaneously to explain those aspects in further detail. 政策简报中还包含了情景和方法论介绍,另有一份技术说明进一步提供了详细解释。
56950 "The Policy Brief offers evidence in favor of making hunger reduction a priority of the economic stimulus measures to address COVID-19," says Marco V. Sánchez, Deputy-Director of FAO's Agricultural Development Economics Division. 粮农组织农业发展经济司副司长MarcoVSánchez说:这份政策简报中的证据表明,在采取经济刺激举措应对新冠疫情时,应把减少饥饿作为优先重点。 "
56951 Safeguarding trade and food supply chains and promoting social protection to ensure food access 保障贸易和粮食供应链通畅,提升社会保障措施,确保食物获取
56952 As the world is not facing food shortages, FAO is urging that countries do their best to keep trade flowing and food supply chains alive and increase agricultural output during the international health crisis. 由于全球并未面临粮食短缺,粮农组织敦促各国尽最大努力在这场国际卫生危机期间维持贸易畅通和粮食供应链的正常运转,并增加农业产量。