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56953 The large-scale fiscal and monetary responses that governments are crafting to respond to the expected blow to economic growth, represent an opportunity to tackle the longstanding issues in many middle and low-income countries of inequality in accessing healthy food. 针对预计中的经济增长冲击,各国政府相继出台大规模的财政和货币应对措施,这也为众多中低收入国家解决长期存在的健康食物获取不平等问题提供了机会。
56954 Cash and in-kind transfers, new credit lines for key actors in food systems, safety nets, income support, distribution programmes such as food banks, and continuing school-feeding delivery, should be directed to the most vulnerable and poorest people. 现金和实物补助、粮食系统关键行动方新增信贷额度、安全网、收入支持、食物银行等分配计划以及持续发放校餐等举措应面向最弱势、最贫困的人群。
56955 Such targeting, the brief enjoins, will also maximize the effect that public resource outlays have on keeping demand more dynamic and safeguarding people from falling into chronically weak dependencies that can last for years. 简报坦言,此类针对性措施还能最大限度地发挥公共支出资源的效用,帮助维持动态化的需求,并防止民众形成长期依赖。长期依赖一旦出现,可能数年难以扭转。
56956 There are encouraging examples of "stimulus for food" initiatives in low and middle-income countries 中低收入国家也采取了鼓舞人心的刺激举措来确保粮食获取。
56957 - at least 106 countries have introduced or adapted social protection measures in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a real-time review of social protection policy measures from the World Bank and the International Labour Organization - although the ability of African countries to deploy cash transfers has so far been weak. 根据世界银行和国际劳工组织对社会保障政策的实时审查,至少有106个国家在新冠疫情下引入或调整了社会保障措施,尽管非洲国家发放现金补助的能力迄今较为薄弱。
56958 International cooperation and assistance is needed to help the poorest and most vulnerable countries, and this can be linked to recipient countries reallocating more of their own resources to achieve the desired objectives and avoiding the highly adverse outcome of increased inequality in access to food. 需要国际合作与援助来帮助最贫穷和最脆弱的国家,在开展此类行动的同时,受援国可分配更多本国自身资源用于实现预期目标,防止粮食获取不平等加剧造成严重不利后果。
56959 Targeting public stimulus measures towards initiatives to bolster food access during the pandemic also offers an opportunity to build more lasting resilience into food systems to safeguard them against economic slowdowns and downturns in the future. 针对性的公共刺激措施加强疫情期间的粮食获取,还创造了在粮食系统中建立更持久抵御能力的机会,以保护脆弱国家免受未来经济放缓和衰退的影响。    
56960 How could the pandemic make an already difficult situation even harder? Who are most at risk? 新冠疫情可能会通过何种方式导致当前困难局势进一步恶化?哪些人面临的风险最大?
56961 So far we have few confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Syria - though few tests are being carried out - but the risk factors are high, and the country's medical infrastructure would struggle to cope with a large outbreak. 截止目前,虽然叙利亚确诊的新冠病例很少(当然开展的测试也很少),但是风险因子很高,而且该国的医疗基础设施将难以应对大规模暴发的疫情。
56962 An even bigger concern is the impact of prolonged periods of lockdown on the economy and on the already precarious food security and livelihoods of millions of people.  更大的担忧则来自封城期延长对经济以及业已岌岌可危的粮食安全和数百万人生计造成的影响。