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56963 The pandemic is like a coming storm for the people of Syria. 对于叙利亚人民而言,新冠疫情犹如一场即将到来的风暴。
56964 The country is currently operating a 6 pm to 6 am curfew and movement restrictions are in place while public spaces have been closed for the past month. 目前,该国于晚6点至早6点实施宵禁,还出台了限制出行的措施,公共场所也已于上月关闭。
56965 Those working in the service sector or on daily wages are really suffering right now, and there is already anecdotal evidence of extreme hardship in both urban and rural areas.  服务业从业者或按日计酬的劳动者目前处境艰难,有迹象显示,城市和农村均已陷入极端困境。
56966 We, at FAO, are mainly concerned about how the restrictions will impact on agriculture, and food availability. 粮农组织的主要关切是:这些限制将对农业和粮食供应带来何种影响。
56967 We are already seeing a rise in input prices, whether due to import difficulties or opportunism on the part of the traders. 我们看到,由于进口困难或贸易商的投机行为,投入品价格已经出现上涨。
56968 Also, our World Food Programme colleagues have been tracking food prices over the past month and saw a rise of 21 percent in the cost of the standard monthly food basket, basically what a household would buy on average per month, in March alone. 此外,世界粮食计划署的同事一直在跟踪过去一个月的食物价格。仅在三月份,标准月度食物篮(也即单个家庭的月均食物采购)的成本就上涨了21%。
56969 Equally, small livestock keepers cannot take their animals to graze, or buy feed. 同样,小规模家畜养殖户无法放牧或购买饲料。
56970 The markets where they would sell their animals are closed or operate under restrictions. 家畜销售市场目前处于关闭或限制经营的状况。
56971 Poultry businesses have also been hit by the high cost of imported feed and a collapse in demand from restaurants. 家禽业也受到进口饲料价格高企和餐馆需求崩塌的双重打击。
56972 Basically, the livelihoods of all of the country's approximately 1.2 million farming families are affected in some way or another by the efforts to control COVID-19, though the impact is felt differently across the country. 基本上,实施新冠疫情遏制措施后,该国所有约120万户农业家庭的生计都受到了某种影响,尽管全国各地受影响的程度有所不同。