ID 原文 译文
56973 What do vulnerable communities need most now in the face of the pandemic's threats?  面对疫情威胁,脆弱社区最急需什么?
56974 The first priority is to provide options so people can maintain their livelihoods and remain self-sufficient. 当务之急是提供各种方案使人们能够维持生计并保持自给自足。
56975 And we need to reinforce key public health messages within our programmes. 我们需要在各类计划中加强关键的公共卫生信息。
56976 There is also an urgent need to provide farmers with seeds for planting, now for the summer crops and for the coming winter crops and vegetables, and feed for their animals. 此外,还迫切需要为农民提供种子开展播种(眼下需要夏季作物种子,后续将需要冬季作物和蔬菜种子)和家畜所需饲料。
56977 Is FAO able to continue its work under the circumstances? And if so, what are some of the things you and your team are doing differently? 面对疫情,粮农组织能够继续开展工作吗?您和团队的工作与之前相比有何不同?
56978 As an office, FAO Syria moved quickly to working from home, but we have managed to keep key elements of the programme running so far.  粮农组织驻叙利亚代表处迅速调整工作模式,安排工作人员居家办公,截至目前,我们仍设法保持着计划关键环节的正常运转。
56979 While carrying out these activities, all people are practising physical distancing and, if needed, wearing masks. 在开展相关工作时,所有人都遵守保持距离的规定,并在需要时戴上了口罩。
56980 We have also swapped classroom-based training with training carried out outdoors in smaller groups. 我们还将课堂培训转变为小规模户外培训。
56981 We are using WhatsApp groups and Facebook pages to speak to and share information - via video, for example - with people in our seed producer groups and our entrepreneurship programmes.   并正在通过WhatsApp群组和Facebook页面功能,以视频等方式与我们的种子生产者小组和创业计划成员交流和共享信息。
56982 How are these new initiatives working? Will they be continued post COVID-19? 这些新举措的效果如何?疫情结束后还会继续使用吗?