ID 原文 译文
56983 We are moving quickly to become a more digital FAO Syria! 粮农组织驻叙利亚代表处正在快速拥抱数字化!
56984 As well as beating the virus, this will reduce our travel costs and our carbon footprint. 除了能抗击疫情外,这些举措还将减少我们的差旅费用和碳足迹。
56985 I am committed to carrying forward the best of these innovations in the future, though not all technologies work as well in Syria as in other countries; 我将努力在今后继续采用最佳创新举措,尽管适用于其他国家的技术并非同样适合叙利亚。
56986 we only just managed to run our first zoom meeting with some help from our colleagues in the regional office and headquarters. 我们刚刚才在区域办事处和总部同事的帮助下完成了第一次zoom会议。
56987 What are some of the main challenges that FAO is facing now? 粮农组织目前主要面临哪些挑战?
56988 The biggest challenge is to ensure funding for our programmes right now. 最大的挑战是确保我们的计划迅速得到资金支持。
56989 So far, donors have been very understanding of the constraints we are working with now, and our core supporters understand the relevance of our work, especially during COVID-19. 目前,捐助方都非常体谅我们各项工作所面临的限制,主要捐助方也明白相关工作的意义,尤其是在新冠疫情之下。
56990 You have been in Syria since July 2018, and have worked in other countries where life is particularly difficult. 您自2018年7月以来一直在叙利亚,并也曾在格外艰苦的其他国家工作。
56991 How is the current situation different? 当前的局势有没有什么不同之处?
56992 The major difference right now is the movement restrictions imposed in the last months to halt the spread of COVID-19. 目前主要的不同之处在于,为阻断新冠疫情传播,近几个月实施了出行限制。