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56993 However, Syria is not alone in this.  不过,这也不是叙利亚一国所面临的问题。
56994 Lockdown until JUNE: Boris Johnson is set to dash hopes of an early end to coronavirus curbs as he gathers Cabinet for 'exit plan' talks with Nicola Sturgeon 封锁至6月:鲍里斯·约翰逊(Boris Johnson)将粉碎提前结束冠状病毒限制的希望,因为他召集内阁与尼古拉·斯特金(Nicola Sturjo)进行了“退出计划”谈判,
56995 already ruling out loosening and ministers saying a second spike would be a 'disaster' 已经排除了放松的可能性,部长们表示,第二次病毒控制将是一场“灾难”
56996 Boris Johnsonis set to signal lockdown will stay until June today as he gathers Cabinet to thrash out an 'exit strategy' and then fronts a daily coronavirus briefing for the first time since falling ill. 鲍里斯·约翰逊(Boris Johnson)将发出信号,封锁将持续到今天的6月,他将召集内阁讨论一项“退出战略”,然后自生病以来首次主持每日的冠状病毒简报会。
56997 The Prime Minister is expected to dash hopes of an imminent end to the draconian curbs crippling the economy, 预计首相将粉碎即将结束对经济的严厉限制的希望,
56998 stressing that allowing the killer disease to run rampant again would do even worse damage. 强调允许这种致命疾病再次肆虐将造成更严重的损害。
56999 Government sources have indicated he will also defy calls to treat the public like 'grown ups' by spelling out ways in which the lockdown might be eased, saying it is 'too early'. 政府消息人士表示,他还将无视要求他像对待成年人一样对待公众的呼声,详细说明可能放松封锁的方式,称现在还“为时过早”。
57000 Justice Secretary Robert Buckland said in interviews this morning that the mood among ministers was 'extreme caution', 司法部长罗伯特·巴克兰德在今天早上的采访中说,部长们的情绪是“极其谨慎的”,
57001 endorsing a strong hint from Nicola Sturgeon that restrictions will be extended for another three weeks when the formal review takes place on May 7. 他赞同尼古拉·斯特金的强烈暗示,即当5月7日进行正式审查时,限制措施将再延长三周。
57002 However, frantic work has been going on behind the scenes to develop an 'exit plan', 然而,为了制定一项“退出计划”,疯狂的工作一直在幕后进行,