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57013 That would be a disaster.' 那将是一场灾难。”
57014 He told BBC Radio 4's Today programme: "I think, within Government, there is already a lot of work going on as to what the future is going to look like, I think it would be a dereliction of duty if we didn't do that." 他告诉BBC广播4台的“今日”节目:“我认为,在政府内部,已经有很多关于未来会是什么样子的工作正在进行-我认为如果我们不这样做,那就是玩忽职守。”
57015 "Certainly in my department, I'm looking ahead now to the medium term as to what the summer and autumn are going to look like in the prison and court system. 当然,在我所在的部门,我现在正在展望中期,监狱和法院系统的夏季和秋季会是什么样子。
57016 We've got to start that work, in fact the work is already under way.“ 我们必须开始这项工作,实际上这项工作已经在进行中。”
57017 "That's, of course, not saying that we're suddenly going to move into a new phase—we need to be absolutely sure that the five tests that were set out some weeks ago are going to be met, “当然,这并不是说我们会突然进入一个新的阶段——我们需要绝对确保几周前提出的五项检测能够得到满足,
57018 and in particular the need to avoid that second or even third spike in the disease is clear to me both in terms of health and the well-being of the economy as well." 特别是在健康和经济福祉方面,我都清楚地知道有必要避免疾病的第二次甚至第三次高峰期出现。”
57019 One No.10 source said of Mr. Johnson's message: "It will very much be in the area of how we satisfy our five tests for coming out of lockdown,chief among which is making sure we don't risk another exponential rise in infections. 一位10号消息人士在谈到约翰逊先生的信息时说:“这在很大程度上是因为我们如何满足我们解除封锁的五项测试,其中最重要的是确保我们不会冒着感染人数再次指数上升的风险。”
57020 "It's still too early to be setting out any details of what any easing of the lockdown might look like." 他说,现在公布任何可能放松封锁的细节还为时过早。
57021 Revised UK figures including deaths outside hospitals showed that there have been nine days when the death toll topped 1,000 - ranging from April 7 to as recently as April 24. 包括医院外死亡在内的修订后的英国数据显示,从4月7日到最近的4月24日,死亡人数超过1000人的时间已经有9天了。
57022 Data published yesterday showed that Britain has one of the world's worst coronavirus death rates, better only than Spain and Belgium per capita. 昨天公布的数据显示,英国是世界上冠状病毒死亡率最高的国家之一,仅次于西班牙和比利时的人均水平。