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57023 Dominic Raab pointed to the perils of a premature easing, noting that Germany, though it contained the virus commendably, has now seen a surge in transmission since opening back up. 多米尼克·拉布(Dominic Raab)指出了过早放松政策的危险,他指出,尽管德国很好地控制了病毒,但自重新开放以来,病毒的传播现在已经激增。
57024 'Chancellor Merkel has made it clear that they might need a second lockdown in Germany if the infection rate continues to rise,' the Foreign Secretary said at the Downing Street briefing. 外交大臣在唐宁街简报会上说,默克尔总理已经明确表示,如果感染率继续上升,他们可能需要在德国进行第二次封锁。
57025 Ministers are working on a series of workplace guides detailing restrictions that will continue even when the lockdown is eased. 部长们正在制定一系列工作场所指南,详细说明即使封锁放松也会继续实施的限制。
57026 Business Secretary Alok Sharma has asked officials to produce advice on how a gradual return to work could be managed safely for seven different kinds of workplace including offices, factories and construction sites. 商务大臣阿洛克·夏尔马(Alok Sharma)要求官员就如何安全管理办公室、工厂和建筑工地等七种不同类型的工作场所逐步恢复工作提出建议。
57027 Firms will be told to shut canteens and other communal spaces, as well as operating new shift patterns to allow for social distancing and limit the pressure on public transport at rush hour. 公司将被告知关闭食堂和其他公共空间,并运营新的轮班模式,以允许社会距离,并限制高峰时间公共交通的压力。
57028 Office staff are likely to be encouraged to continue working from home where possible. 在可能的情况下,可能会鼓励办公室工作人员继续在家工作。
57029 Deputy chief medical officer Jonathan Van-Tam said a partial reopening of schools was 'in the mix' but it was 'premature' to expect early action given the difficulty of social distancing in them. 副首席医疗官乔纳森·范-塔姆(Jonathan Van-Tam)说,学校“正在考虑部分重新开学”,但考虑到这些学校很难与社会疏远,指望及早采取行动还“为时过早”。
57030 One Whitehall source said the three-weekly review of lockdown measures, due on May 7, would involve only modest changes at best. 一位白厅消息人士表示,定于5月7日对封锁措施进行的每周三次的审查,充其量只会涉及温和的变化。
57031 'We are looking at whether we can undo the top button and make things more comfortable in one or two places for the economy,"the source added."But any idea of a widespread lifting is plain wrong." 消息人士补充说,我们正在研究能否解开顶部的按钮,让一两个地方的经济更加舒适。但任何关于大范围提升的想法都是完全错误的。
57032 The Government's Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies will hand new evidence to ministers in the coming days, 政府的紧急情况科学咨询小组将在未来几天向部长们提交新的证据,