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57033 but it is expected to say lifting many of the restrictions would immediately lead to the infection rate rising. 但预计该小组将表示,取消许多限制将立即导致感染率上升。
57034 A government source said Mr Johnson will be 'very clear that we will not do anything that might risk (this)… 一位政府消息人士说,约翰逊将“非常清楚,我们不会做任何可能危及(这)…的事情,
57035 because then you are back with the virus spreading exponentially and the risk of a second lockdown'. 因为那样你就会回到病毒呈指数级传播的状态,并面临第二次封锁的风险”。
57036 At last night's No 10 press conference, Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab noted a reported rise in virus cases in Germany, which has eased its lockdown. 在昨晚的第10号新闻发布会上,外交大臣多米尼克·拉布指出,据报道,德国的病毒病例有所上升,这缓解了德国的封锁。
57037 He said a similar uptick in the UK 'is a very real risk'. 他说,英国出现类似的上升“是一个非常真实的风险”。
57038 The news came after a day that saw the UK's coronavirus death toll surge by 3,811 to 26,097 now that the Government has started counting people who died in care homes or their own houses. 这一消息是在英国冠状病毒死亡人数激增3811人至26097人的一天后发布的,因为政府已经开始统计在疗养院或自己家里死亡的人。
57039 It was the first time the Department of Health included people dying outside of hospitals in its daily statistics, 这是卫生部第一次将死于医院外的人包括在每日统计数据中,
57040 and the backdated numbers have added thousands to the death toll, which was yesterday 21,678. 回溯的数字使昨天的死亡人数增加了数千人,昨天是21678人。
57041 But a bigger surge had been expected. 但预计会出现更大的涨幅。
57042 The Office for National Statistics reports that more than 4,300 people are known to have died in care homes by April 17, 英国国家统计局(Office For National Statistics)报告称,截至4月17日,已知有超过4300人死于疗养院,