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57043 but the Care Quality Commission has recorded more than 4,300 in just a fortnight in England alone. 但护理质量委员会(Care Quality Commission)仅在英国就记录了两周内死亡人数超过4300人。
57044 However, the Government will only include people who have tested positive for the virus in its statistics, despite rationing almost all the testing kits to hospitals for the first month of the outbreak. 然而,政府将只将病毒检测呈阳性的人包括在其统计数据中,尽管在疫情爆发的第一个月,几乎所有的检测试剂盒都定量供应给医院。
57045 Professor John Newton, the Government's testing chief, explained officials had been working on the assumption 政府检测负责人约翰·牛顿教授解释说,官员们一直在假设,
57046 that if one person tested positive for COVID-19 in a home then anyone else who developed symptoms probably also had it and didn't need testing. 如果一个人在家里检测出冠状病毒呈阳性,那么其他出现症状的人很可能也有这种病毒,不需要检测。
57047 The ONS and CQC continue to put out more reliable but slower statistics which include reports of people who were suspected to have the disease 英国国家统计局和CQC继续公布更可靠但速度较慢的统计数据,其中包括被怀疑患有这种疾病
57048 but were never diagnosed and, as a result, put the number of people dying outside of hospitals significantly higher. 但从未被诊断的人的报告,因此,在医院外死亡的人数大大增加。
57049 ONS data suggests that the real number of victims may be 55 per cent higher than the Government is letting on, putting the figure at more than 40,000 already. 英国国家统计局的数据显示,真实的受害者人数可能比政府所说的高出55%,这使得这个数字已经超过4万人。
57050 Records in Scotland, meanwhile, show hospital deaths now account for just 52 per cent of fatalities, suggesting the true number is 43,000.The Financial Times estimates that 47,000 people have died already. 与此同时,苏格兰的记录显示,目前住院死亡人数仅占死亡人数的52%,这表明真实数字为4.3万人。据英国“金融时报”估计,目前已有4.7万人死亡。
57051 The Department of Health's data today, however, suggests that hospital patients still make up 83 per cent of all fatalities, 然而,卫生部今天的数据表明,住院病人仍然占所有死亡人数的83%,
57052 something which is not borne out by any other statistics being published in the UK. 这一点在英国公布的任何其他统计数据中都没有得到证实。