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57053 Britain today announced 765 more hospital patients have died of the coronavirus, of whom around 600 died in hospitals. 英国今天宣布,又有765名住院患者死于冠状病毒,其中约600人死于医院。
57054 NHS England announced 445 more victims, including a healthy 14-year-old, to add to 83 declared in Scotland and 73 in Wales. NHS英格兰宣布又有445名受害者,其中包括一名健康的14岁儿童,苏格兰和威尔士分别宣布了83人和73人。
57055 It comes as the number of people known to have died in care homes is soaring and one expert from the University of Cambridge said people may now be dying at a faster rate in homes than in hospitals. 与此同时,已知在疗养院死亡的人数正在飙升,剑桥大学的一名专家表示,现在人们在家中的死亡速度可能比在医院更快。
57056 The professor, a highly regarded statistics expert and an OBE recipient, spoke of "massive, unprecedented spikes" in the numbers of care home fatalities 这位备受尊敬的统计学专家和OBE获得者谈到疗养院死亡人数出现了前所未有的大规模激增,
57057 and said there was no evidence that care homes were over the worst of the outbreak, as the rest of the country is believed to be. 并表示没有证据表明疗养院已经度过了疫情最严重的时期,这一点被认为是美国其他地区的情况。
57058 He told MailOnline the updated death toll was not high enough and the truth was "at least as much again", putting the total higher than 30,000. 他告诉每日邮报在线,最新的死亡人数还不够高,事实是“至少是这个数字的一倍”,总死亡人数超过了3万人。
57059 Government ministers, pressured on claims they haven't done enough to help care homes, insist care was "not overlooked" during a scramble to protect the NHS. 政府部长们因声称他们在帮助养老院方面做得不够而受到压力,他们坚称,在争先恐后地保护NHS的过程中,护理工作“没有被忽视”。
57060 Speaking about yesterday's updated data collection, Professor Spiegelhalter told MailOnline: 'It's actually a lot more than that [3,811]. 谈到昨天最新的数据收集,斯皮格哈尔特教授告诉“每日邮报”:“实际上远不止这些(3811)。”
57061 Environment Secretary George Eustice said this morning "we have always recognized there was more vulnerability there". 环境部长乔治·尤斯蒂斯今天早上说,“我们一直认识到那里存在更多的脆弱性”。
57062 He denied that more testing would have saved lives. 他否认更多的检测会拯救生命。