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57063 In other coronavirus news yesterday: 昨天的其他冠状病毒消息:
57064 "The true number is probably at least as much again as they added in today, which would take it well above 30,000. 真实的数字可能至少是他们今天加入的数字的两倍,这将远远超过3万人。
57065 They're doing their best and it is a lot better than what we've been getting but it is still not the full picture." 他们正在尽最大努力,这比我们得到的要好得多,但这仍然不是全貌。”
57066 "If you put those two datasets (ONS and CQC) [with] the new data being reported [it] is still missing a good few hundred deaths each day." 他说,如果你把这两个数据集(英国国家统计局和CQC)与报告的新数据放在一起,每天仍有几百人死亡。
57067 Separate data released today by the National Records of Scotland has made it abundantly clear that the hospital deaths being announced by government officials each day are only showing a fraction of the reality. 苏格兰国家记录今天发布的单独数据非常清楚地表明,政府官员每天宣布的医院死亡人数只显示了现实的一小部分。
57068 National Records data revealed that hospital patients only made up 52 per cent of all fatalities, while 39 per cent happened in nursing homes and 11 per cent elsewhere. 国家记录数据显示,医院病人只占所有死亡人数的52%,而39%发生在疗养院,11%发生在其他地方。
57069 When they were added together Scotland's total death toll for April 26 almost doubled from 1,262 to 2,272. 当他们加在一起时,苏格兰4月26日的总死亡人数几乎翻了一番,从1262人增加到2272人。
57070 Care homes, which are believed to still be in the grip of the coronavirus, are disaster-struck and the Government is facing heavy criticism over alleged failures to help the industry prepare. 据信仍在冠状病毒控制下的疗养院遭受了灾难,政府因被指未能帮助该行业做好准备而受到严厉批评。
57071 In England and Wales the number of residents dying of any cause has almost tripled in a month, from around 2,500 per week in March to 7,300 in a single week in April - more than 2,000 of the latter were confirmed COVID-19 cases. 在英格兰和威尔士,死于任何原因的居民人数在一个月内几乎增加了两倍,从3月份的每周约2500人增加到4月份的一周7300人-后者中有2000多人被确认为冠状病毒病例。
57072 Care Quality Commission (CQC) reports suggest care homes are now seeing around 400 coronavirus deaths each day, on average - a number on par with hospitals in England. 护理质量委员会(CQC)的报告显示,疗养院现在平均每天大约有400人死于冠状病毒-这个数字与英国的医院持平。