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57073 The way data is backdated means that the true picture of what's happening in care homes is unclear because we currently only have statistics from two weeks ago. 数据回溯的方式意味着疗养院发生的事情的真实情况并不清楚,因为我们目前只有两周前的统计数据。
57074 The true scale of the crisis has also been masked by a lack of routine testing, meaning hundreds of elderly residents may have died without ever being diagnosed. 这场危机的真实规模也被缺乏例行检测所掩盖,这意味着数百名老年居民可能在没有得到诊断的情况下死亡。
57075 Public Health England data has revealed that almost a third of all nursing homes in the country have reported coronavirus outbreaks. 英国公共卫生数据显示,全国近三分之一的疗养院报告了冠状病毒爆发。
57076 Boarding a plane could take up to four hours when passengers are allowed to fly again once thecoronavirus lockdown eases, it was claimed today. 专家警告说,登机可能需要四个小时,因为在封锁结束后,增加的健康检查和高得多的机票价格。
57077 Flyers could be asked to arrive at airports four hours in advance to allow for health checks and social distancing measures, one expert warns. 今天声称,一旦冠状病毒封锁解除,登机可能需要长达四个小时的时间,届时乘客将被允许再次飞行。
57078 Boarding planes could take four hours with added health checks and much higher ticket prices after lockdown ends, experts warn 一位专家警告说,飞行员可能会被要求提前四个小时到达机场,以便进行健康检查和社交距离措施。
57079 Flights will be more expensive because airlines will only be allowed to have a limited number of people on board to ensure they stay two metres apart. 航班将更加昂贵,因为航空公司将只允许有限数量的乘客登机,以确保他们保持两米的距离。
57080 This will push up ticket prices and make for an "uncomfortable" flying experience for as long as another five years, another travel expert told The Times. 另一位旅游专家告诉“泰晤士报”,这将推高机票价格,并导致长达五年的“不舒服”的飞行体验。
57081 Andrew Charlton, managing director of the consultancy Aviation Advocacy, told the newspaper: 咨询公司Aviation Advocacy的董事总经理安德鲁·查尔顿(Andrew Charlton)告诉该报:
57082 "Even if it starts raining vaccines tonight, we are still looking at two years at least to get back to levels seen before the outbreak, and it is probably going to be more like five years. “即使今晚开始下疫苗,我们仍需要至少两年的时间才能恢复到疫情爆发前的水平,而且可能更像是五年。”