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57083 "There will be fewer flights, fewer seats available, prices will go up and there will be very uncomfortable conditions because of the demands to wear personal protective equipment and maintain social distancing." “航班将会减少,可用座位也会减少,价格将会上涨,而且由于需要穿戴个人防护装备和保持社会距离,情况会非常不舒服。”
57084 Earlier this month, easyJet announced it plans to keep middle seats empty on its planes when it restarts flights. 本月早些时候,易捷航空(EasyJet)宣布,计划在重新启动航班时,在飞机上保留中间座位的空位。
57085 But Airline analyst Chris Tarry claims maintaining a two-metre gap between passengers would mean 80 per cent of seats would have to be empty. 但航空公司分析师克里斯·塔里(Chris Tarry)表示,保持乘客之间两米的差距意味着80%的座位必须是空的。
57086 To make sure airlines are still profitable, they will have to hike up ticket prices exponentially, he told The Times. 他告诉泰晤士报,为了确保航空公司仍然盈利,他们将不得不成倍提高机票价格。
57087 It would also mean that scarcely-used routes would be abolished too. 这也意味着很少使用的航线也将被废除。
57088 Air travel has plummeted worldwide to stop the spread of coronavirus from country to country, with airports almost left empty except for a small number of repatriation flights. 为阻止冠状病毒在国与国之间的传播,全球航空旅行大幅减少,除了少量遣返航班外,机场几乎空无一人。
57089 British Airways revealed it has plans to make 12,000 workers - a quarter of its entire workforce - redundant after being hit by the COVID-19 outbreak. 英国航空公司透露,在受到冠状病毒爆发的打击后,该公司计划裁员1.2万名员工,占其员工总数的四分之一。
57090 Virgin Atlantic has gone into administration in Australia with founder Sir Richard Branson desperately trying to cling onto the UK business. 维珍航空已在澳大利亚进入破产管理程序,创始人理查德·布兰森爵士(Sir Richard Branson)拼命试图保住英国业务。
57091 Wizz Air will become the first commercial airline to start operating again in the UK tomorrow, but says all passengers must wear facemasks. Wizz Air明天将成为首家在英国重新开始运营的商业航空公司,但表示所有乘客都必须戴口罩。
57092 It will operate 15 routes out of Luton Airport to a range of destinations including Budapest, Lisbon and Tenerife. 该公司将运营从卢顿机场到布达佩斯、里斯本和特内里费岛等一系列目的地的15条航线。