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57113 “中国各行各业都在为抗击疫情出力,其中不少高科技行业公司不但捐款捐物,还利用自身的优势在抗击疫情中做出了独有的贡献。 “Every sector and industry in China is doing its bit in the fight against the pandemic, including many high-tech companies, which not only donate money and materials but also take advantage of their strengths to make contributions.
57114 一些在此次疫情期间亮相的新科技、新产品尤其值得关注,它们帮助一线的医务工作者更好地与疫情作斗争,也使得社会经济生活尽早回归正常。” Many new technologies and products debuted during the epidemic, helping healthcare workers fighting on the frontline, as well as enabling socio-economic life to return to normality.”
57115 北京无限保护公司就是这样一家致力于研发新型消毒技术的公司, One such company is Beijing Infinite Protection Company which is dedicated to the research and development of new disinfection technology.
57116 其长效无毒消毒产品以物理静电方式消毒,安全且对人体、环境无刺激, The company’s long-lasting and non-toxic disinfection products use a physical-static method to disinfect, which is safe for both humans and the environment.
57117 一次喷涂可有效消杀30天以上。相比传统消毒技术需要频繁使用,对人体有刺激,对环境有腐蚀,费时费工而言, The disinfection and sterilization effect of each spray can last over 30 days, making it safer and more effective than traditional disinfection techniques, which cause skin irritation and need to be performed frequently.
57118 无疑是一种绿色、安全、长期高效的消毒除菌新手段。 It is also far less damaging the environment and takes less time and effort to apply.
57119 在ITPOBeijing的推荐和牵线下,北京无限保护公司与武汉当地相关部门取得了联系, ITPO Beijing introduced and recommended the company to the relevant government departments in Wuhan,
57120 并得益于工发组织长期以来建立的合作网络,避免了物流受阻、人员受限等问题。 and thanks to UNIDO’s collaborative network, the company was able to agree exemption from certain restrictions on logistics and personnel travel.
57121 公司首席执行官宋健率队于2月22日到达武汉, Song Jian, the chief executive officer of Beijing Infinite Protection Company, led a team to Wuhan, arriving on 22 February.
57122 将公司现存高科技消毒产品全部捐出, He provided the company’s existing stock of high-tech disinfection products as a donation