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57123 并派工作人员为武汉协和等医院和所有方舱医院、医管人员驻地、派出所、监狱和一线检查站等公共安全重点区域实施喷涂消毒作业。 and deployed staff to disinfect all key areas with public health concerns, including hospitals –among them the Wuhan Union Hospital and field-module hospitals –medical centres, police stations, prisons and frontline checkpoints.
57124 中国疾控中心核酸检测移动实验室评价该产品, The company’s disinfection product was assessed by the mobile nucleic-acid test laboratory of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (China CDC) which concluded that
57125 “使用一次即可长期持续发挥杀灭微生物的效力, “one application provides a long-lasting effect to kill microorganisms continuously.
57126 复检的200余份样本均为新冠病毒核酸阴性,为今后医院感染控制提供了很好的借鉴。” The over 200 tested samples came back negative for the novel coronavirus, which provides a great lesson for future infection control at hospitals.”
57127 这是疫情期间首个经过中国疾控中心核酸检测的消杀产品。北京无限保护公司受到了国家卫健委、中国疾控中心、湖北省、武汉市及各级防疫医疗机构等的高度赞扬,同时被新华网、人民网、光明日报等多家媒体报道。 The product is the first disinfection and sterilisation product to pass the China CDC’s nucleic-acid test during the pandemic, earning Beijing Infinite Protection Company high praise from the National Health Commission, China CDC and disease-prevention medical institutions in and around the city of Wuhan in Hubei Province.
57128 北京无限保护公司于2017年成立, Beijing Infinite Protection Company was founded in 2017,
57129 其长效无毒消毒产品已应用于北京积水潭医院、小汤山等医院。 and its long-lasting, non-toxic disinfection products are already used by hospitals such as Beijing Jishuitan Hospital and Xiaotangshan Hospital.
57130 高科技消毒产品喷涂在物体表面后,快速固化形成硅晶体正电荷纳米刺,吸引并击穿带负电荷的细菌病毒分子结构,使其停止代谢并死亡,但对人体无毒无刺激。 After being sprayed on surfaces, the disinfectant quickly solidifies and forms positively charged nanothorns of silicon crystal that draw and penetrate negatively charged molecules of bacteria and viruses, stopping their metabolism and killing them without harming humans.
57131 无限保护首席执行官宋健表示: Company CEO, Song, CEO said,
57132 “公司理念是通过科技让人们体验更加健康美好的生活, “The idea of the company is to allow people to enjoy a healthier and better life with the help of science and technology.