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57153 北京无限保护公司于2017年成立, Beijing Infinite Protection Company was founded in 2017,
57154 其长效无毒消毒产品已应用于北京积水潭医院、小汤山等医院。 and its long-lasting, non-toxic disinfection products are already used by hospitals such as Beijing Jishuitan Hospital and Xiaotangshan Hospital.
57155 高科技消毒产品喷涂在物体表面后,快速固化形成硅晶体正电荷纳米刺,吸引并击穿带负电荷的细菌病毒分子结构,使其停止代谢并死亡,但对人体无毒无刺激。 After being sprayed on surfaces, the disinfectant quickly solidifies and forms positively charged nanothorns of silicon crystal that draw and penetrate negatively charged molecules of bacteria and viruses, stopping their metabolism and killing them without harming humans.
57156 无限保护首席执行官宋健表示: Company CEO, Song, CEO said,
57157 “公司理念是通过科技让人们体验更加健康美好的生活, “The idea of the company is to allow people to enjoy a healthier and better life with the help of science and technology.
57158 因此特别希望能在科技抗疫中贡献自己的力量,也十分愿意积极响应联合国工发组织的号召,参与到全球共同抗击新冠疫情的战斗中”, Thus I am really willing to contribute to the scientific and technological fight against the pandemic in response to UNIDO’s.”
57159 同时,宋健对工发组织在中国“利用政企合作网络为高科技企业与政府之间搭建桥梁”表示衷心感谢。 He expressed his gratitude to UNIDO for “building a bridge between high-tech companies and government through its collaborative networks (in China)”.
57160 工发组织中国投资促进办事处目前正同中国政府、国际组织和基金会、产业平台等共同研究建立“智慧医药创新与产业合作一体化国际平台”,继续为高科技企业和寻求产业转型的政府提供投资对接和技术合作的咨询服务。 UNIDO ITPO Beijing is currently conducting research with the Chinese government, international organizations, foundations and industrial platforms to develop an international platform for smart medicine innovation and industrial collaboration.
57161 携手抗击疫情,深化金砖合作 Deepening BRICS Cooperation to Combat COVID-19
57162 王毅国务委员兼外交部长在金砖国家应对新冠肺炎疫情特别外长会上的发言(2020年4月28日,北京) Statement by H.E. Wang Yi,State Councilor and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China at the Extraordinary Meeting of BRICS Ministers of Foreign Affairs(Beijing, 28 April 2020)