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57164 大家好! Good evening.
57165 在全球抗疫的关键时刻,拉夫罗夫外长倡议召开此次外长会,具有特殊重要意义。 We are meeting at a crucial moment in the world’s battle with COVID-19. Such timing has given Minister Lavrov’s initiative to hold a BRICS Foreign Minister’s Meeting special significance.
57166 感谢俄方所做的大量工作。 I wish to thank the Russian side for the tremendous work it has done to put this meeting together.
57167 新冠肺炎疫情在全球多点暴发、快速蔓延,给各国人民生命健康带来巨大威胁,对全球人员往来和世界经济造成严重冲击,金砖五国也经历了严峻考验。 With its rapid spread in many parts of the world, COVID-19 has put lives and health of people around the world under grave threat, seriously disrupted the flow of people worldwide and the global economy, and posed a severe challenge to us BRICS countries.
57168 在此,我首先代表中方,向奋战在抗击疫情一线的医护人员致以崇高敬意,向在疫情中不幸遇难的人们表示沉痛哀悼,向新冠肺炎患者和他们的家庭致以诚挚慰问。 First of all, on behalf of the Chinese side, I wish to pay high tribute to the healthcare workers fighting at the front lines and express deep condolences over the lives lost to the virus. My heartfelt sympathies go to all the patients and their families.
57169 我们相信,在五国领导人坚强领导下,在五国人民团结奋斗下,在国际社会大力支持下,我们一定能渡过难关,人类一定能战胜病毒。 We are confident that under the firm stewardship of BRICS leaders, with the united, painstaking efforts of our peoples, and the strong support of the global community, we will overcome the difficulties, and mankind will defeat the virus.
57170 面对疫情,是坚持科学理性还是制造政治分歧?是加强跨国合作还是寻求脱钩孤立?是推进多边协调还是奉行单边主义?各方都需要对历史交出自己的答卷。 The COVID-19 situation begs questions we all need to ponder. Should we let science and reason prevail or create political divisions, bolster cooperation across borders or isolate ourselves through decoupling, promote multilateral coordination or practice unilateralism? We all need to answer these questions in a way that stands the test of history.
57171 金砖国家作为具有全球影响的新兴大国代表,我们应以人类福祉为根本,以公平正义为原则,作出正确的选择,采取有力的行动。 As representatives of major emerging countries with global influence, we BRICS countries must act in the interest of the well-being of humankind, and stand by justice and equity. We must make the right call and do the right thing.
57172 这既是我们应尽的责任和担当,也是五国人民和国际社会的共同期待。 This is us living up to our due responsibilities. It is also what our peoples and the global community expect from us.
57173 为此,我谈几点看法: To this end, I wish to propose the following.