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57194 随着疫情在全球蔓延,中方正在尽己所能为有需要的国家提供帮助。 As the virus hits more countries around the world, China is doing everything it can to help those in need.
57195 金砖国家是我们的重要伙伴,尽管当前中国国内还有很大需求,国际采购压力与日俱增,我们还是为金砖各国提供了大量防疫物资,为金砖国家畅通医疗物资的采购渠道。 We take BRICS countries as our important partners. In spite of substantial demand at home and growing pressures to meet foreign orders, China has provided a large amount of medical supplies to fellow BRICS countries, and facilitated the purchase of such supplies through commercial channels.
57196 这些行动充分体现了中方对金砖国家的高度重视。 We do all these because we highly value our relations with the fellow BRICS countries.
57197 守望相助,共克时艰,这正是金砖精神的核心要义。 As we see it, looking out for each other in trying times is what the BRICS spirit is all about.
57198 下一步中方愿在尊重彼此主权和国情的前提下与金砖国家加强疫情信息分享,深入交流抗疫经验,有效开展药物和疫苗研发合作。 Going forward, China is ready to step up the sharing of information and experience with BRICS countries and conduct joint research and development of drugs and vaccines on the basis of respecting each other’s sovereignty and national conditions.
57199 金砖国家之间人员往来众多,要一视同仁保护好各国侨民和留学生的健康安全。 Given the close personnel exchanges among us, we should provide equal protection to the foreign nationals, including students, in each other’s countries.
57200 我相信,只要大家携手同心,就一定能筑起抗击疫情的铜墙铁壁! I am confident that, by working together in solidarity, we will forge an ironclad shield against the virus.
57201 第三,坚持团结协作,凝聚强大合力。 Third, we should uphold unity and coordination to forge a powerful synergy.
57202 习近平主席指出,病毒是人类的共同敌人,国际社会只有团结协作,才能战而胜之。同处地球村,一家失了火,远亲近邻都不可能独善其身。 President Xi Jinping stated that the virus is a common enemy of humanity and can only be defeated when we all pitch in. Living in a global village, no one could stay safe when others’ houses catch fire.
57203 只有所有国家疫情都得到控制,这场战“疫”的胜利才能稳固。 Likewise, in fighting COVID-19, victory can only be secured when the virus is brought under control in all countries.