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57214 在人类与病毒抗争的关键时刻,任何削弱世卫组织的权威、阻碍世卫组织发挥作用的作法都是不合时宜的,也不会得到国际社会的支持。 At a crucial moment in humanity’s joint fight against the virus, any attempt to undercut the WHO’s authority and obstruct its role will be most ill-timed and will find no support in the international community.
57215 中方在按时足额交纳世卫组织会费的同时,已向世卫组织捐助2000万美元,前几天我们又再向世卫组织捐款3000万美元,希望更多用于解救发展中国家的紧急需求。 On top of paying its assessed contributions to the WHO on time and in full, China donated US$20 million to the WHO, and this was followed by another donation of US$30 million announced just a few days ago. Hopefully most of these funds will be used for addressing the urgent needs of developing countries.
57216 我们还将向联合国全球人道应对计划捐款,并在力所能及范围内减轻非洲国家债务负担,协助当地提高应对疫情能力。 We will also provide financial support to the UN’s Global Humanitarian Response Plan, and do everything within our capacity to lessen the debt burden on African countries and assist them in boosting anti-epidemic capacity.
57217 针对这次危机暴露出的短板和不足,我们还应推动完善全球公共卫生治理,提升其在国际议程中的位置,打造人类卫生健康共同体。 In view of the weaknesses and inadequacies exposed during this crisis, we also need to enhance global public health governance, make it a higher priority on the international agenda, and work together to build a community of health for all.
57218 第四,坚持开拓进取,深化金砖合作。 Fourth, we should keep forging ahead with BRICS cooperation.
57219 金砖各领域合作难免受到疫情影响,但不应停步不前。 COVID-19 may impact our cooperation in various areas, yet such cooperation should not come to a halt.
57220 我们要勇敢迎接挑战,学会化危为机。 We must rise to the challenge and turn crisis into opportunity.
57221 中方愿同各方一道,积极支持俄方作为主席国开展工作。 China will work with all BRICS members to actively support Russia’s Chairmanship.
57222 中方也支持俄方制定《金砖国家经济伙伴战略2025》的倡议。 China also supports Russia’s initiative to formulate a Strategy for BRICS Economic Partnership 2025.
57223 我们要重视线上办公、线上购物等迅速发展的新业态,围绕打造新工业革命伙伴关系,开发新的合作模式,挖掘新的合作潜能。 We must pay high attention to the booming new forms of business, like teleworking and online shopping, and devise new models of cooperation and discover new potential of cooperation as we develop the BRICS Partnership on New Industrial Revolution (PartNIR).