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57272 Mr. Kaye underlined the critical role of a free press, especially during a health crisis. 凯伊强调了新闻自由的关键作用,特别是在健康危机期间。
57273 In recent months, independent media has been “an essential lever for public information”, he said, with journalists uncovering stories of government deception while also helping people everywhere to understand the nature and scope of the pandemic. 他指出,近几个月来,独立媒体已成为“公共信息的重要杠杆”,记者们揭露了政府的欺骗行为,同时也帮助了世界各地的人们了解这一流行病的性质和范围。
57274 Therefore, detaining journalists for doing their job runs in direct opposition to the obligation to ensure an enabling environment for the media, he said. 因此,他说,拘留新闻工作者与确保创造有利的媒体环境的义务背道而驰。
57275 Roughly 250 journalists worldwide are currently behind bars, according to data from the Committee to Protect Journalists. 根据保护记者委员会的数据,目前全球大约有250名记者被捕。
57276 “At a time when disease outbreaks spread through detention facilities, detention’s cruelty is exposed, imposing an additionally excessive punishment that carries with it the risk of illness and death”, said Mr. Kaye, who is not a UN staff member nor paid by the Organization. 凯伊说:“当疫情通过拘留设施蔓延时,拘留的残酷性暴露无遗,它施加了额外的过分惩罚,带来了患病和死亡的风险。” 
57277 “The criminalisation of journalism must end. 他强调,“新闻定罪必须结束。
57278 That can start with releasing journalists from detention as a matter of urgency”. 这可以从紧急释放新闻工作者开始”。
57279 Media provides facts; holds leaders to account 媒体提供事实;让领导人负责
57280 In his press freedom day message, the UN chief thanked the media “for providing facts and analysis; for holding leaders in every sector accountable; and for speaking truth to power”. 秘书长古特雷斯在新闻自由日的致辞中表示,“我们要对媒体表示感谢——是媒体报道了真相、进行了分析;是媒体让各个部门的领导承担起责任;是媒体对当权者说出了真话。”
57281 He particularly recognized those journalists playing “a life-saving role” in reporting on public health. 他强调要特别赞扬在公共卫生报道中发挥了拯救生命作用的记者。