ID 原文 译文
57282 “And we call on governments to protect media workers, and to strengthen and maintain press freedom, which is essential for a future of peace, justice and human rights for all”, he concluded. 他说:“我们呼吁各国政府保护新闻工作者,加强和维护新闻自由。对于人人享有和平、正义和人权的未来,新闻自由不可或缺。”
57283 Proceedings of the meeting 会议简况
57284 Members and advisors of the Emergency Committee were convened by teleconference. 突发事件委员会委员和顾问参加了电话会议。
57285 Membership of the Emergency Committee was expanded to reflect the nature of the pandemic and the need to include additional areas of expertise.  根据大流行病的性质并出于涵盖更多专业领域的需要,增加了突发事件委员会委员人数。
57286 The Director-General welcomed the Committee, thanked them for their commitment to enhancing global public health, and provided an overview of the major achievements in the COVID-19 response since the last Emergency Committee meeting on 30 January 2020. 总干事对委员会表示欢迎,感谢委员们致力于加强全球公共卫生工作,并概述了自2020年1月30日突发事件委员会上次会议以来在抗击COVID-19工作中取得的 主要成就。
57287 Representatives of the legal department and the Department of Compliance, Risk Management, and Ethics (CRE) briefed the members on their roles and responsibilities. 法律司以及合规、风险管理和道德操守司的代表向委员们介绍了他们的作用和责任。
57288 The Ethics Officer from CRE provided the members and advisers with an overview of the WHO Declaration of Interest process. 合规、风险管理和道德操守司负责道德操守事务的官员向委员和顾问概述了世卫组织利益申报程序。
57289 The members and advisers were made aware of their individual responsibility to disclose to WHO, in a timely manner, any interests of a personal, professional, financial, intellectual or commercial nature that may give rise to a perceived or direct conflict of interest. 道德操守官员告知委员和顾问,他们有责任及时向世卫组织披露任何可能引起明显或直接利益冲突的个人、专业、财务、学术或商业利益。
57290 They were additionally reminded of their duty to maintain the confidentiality of the meeting discussions and the work of the committee. 此外,还提醒他们有责任保守机密,不得泄露会议讨论情况和委员会工作。
57291 Only those committee members and advisers who were not considered to have any perceived or direct conflict of interest participated in the meeting.  只有那些被认为没有任何明显或直接利益冲突的委员会委员和顾问参加了会议。