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57302 Establish mechanisms to compile lessons learned from country and partner experiences and WHO missions and share the best practices and updated recommendations. 建立机制,总结国家和合作伙伴以及世卫组织考察团的经验教训,并分享最佳做法和最新建议。
57303 Provide further guidance to countries about adjusting public health measures, taking into account the different epidemiological situations of the pandemic. 考虑到大流行病不同的流行情况,为国家调整公共卫生措施提供进一步指导。
57304 Promote the inclusion of all interested countries, including low- and middle-income countries from all regions, in the Solidarity clinical trials for therapeutics and vaccines. 促进所有感兴趣的国家,包括各区域的低收入和中等收入国家,参与对疗法和疫苗 的“团结”临床试验。
57305 Continue efforts with partners to obtain equitable access to personal protective equipment, diagnostics, and biomedical equipment essential to the pandemic COVID-19 response. 继续与各合作伙伴共同努力,促进公平获取对于抗击COVID-19大流行疫情至关 重要的个人防护装备、诊断工具和生物医学设备。
57306 Continue to coordinate global expert networks in epidemiology, laboratory, vaccines, clinical care, infection prevention and control, social sciences, and operational research; modelling; and other technical support. 继续协调流行病学、实验室、疫苗、临床医护、感染防控、社会科学和业务研究领域的全球专家网络;协调模型分析;并协调其他技术支持工作。
57307 One Health 卫生一体化
57308 Work with the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), and countries to identify the zoonotic source of the virus and the route of introduction to the human population, including the possible role of intermediate hosts. 与世界动物卫生组织(国际兽疫局)、联合国粮食及农业组织(粮农组织)以及各国合作,确定该病毒的人畜共患病源和向人类的传播途径,包括中间宿主的可能作用。
57309 This should be accomplished through efforts such as scientific and collaborative field missions, which will enable targeted interventions and a research agenda to reduce the risk of similar events. 应通过实地科学合作考察等方式开展这方面工作,以便能够采取有针对性的干预措施和确定研究议程,降低今后发生类似事件的风险。
57310 Work closely with OIE and FAO to provide guidance on how to prevent            SARS-CoV-2 infections in animals and humans and prevent the establishment of new zoonotic reservoirs. 与国际兽疫局和粮农组织密切合作,就如何预防动物和人类感染SARS-CoV-2和防止出现新的人畜共患病宿主提供指导。
57311 Work with partner organizations and countries to strengthen the global food supply chain, protect food workers, properly manage food markets, and mitigate possible disruptions to the food supply. 与各伙伴组织和国家合作,加强全球食品供应链,保护食品行业人员,适当管理食品市场,并缓解食品供应可能出现的紊乱现象。