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57312 Essential Health Services 基本卫生服务
57313 Support countries to assess and manage the unintended consequences of public health measures implemented to control the COVID-19 pandemic, including gender-based violence and child neglect. 支持各国评估和处理为控制COVID-19大流行疫情而实施的公共卫生措施造成的 意外后果,包括评估和处理基于性别的暴力和忽视儿童现象。
57314 Support countries to monitor their ability to provide and strengthen essential health services throughout a likely extended COVID-19 response. 支持各国监测本国在可能长时间应对COVID-19的过程中提供和加强基本卫生服 务的能力。
57315 This should include, but is not limited to, essential prevention for communicable diseases, particularly vaccination; 这应包括、但不限于:监控传染病的基本预防工作,特别是疫苗接种工作;
57316 services related to reproductive health, including care during pregnancy and childbirth; 提供生殖健康相关服务,包括妊娠和分娩期间的护理;
57317 care of vulnerable populations, such as young infants and older adults; 照护幼儿和老人等弱势人群;
57318 provision of medications and supplies for the ongoing management of chronic diseases, including mental health conditions; 为持续管理慢性病提供药物和用品,包括管理精神健康状况;
57319 continuity of critical inpatient therapies; 持续提供关键的住院治疗;
57320 management of emergency health conditions and common acute presentations that require time-sensitive intervention; 管理那些需要及时干预的紧急健康问题和常见急性病症;
57321 and auxiliary services, such as basic diagnostic imaging, laboratory services, and blood bank services.  以及提供基本诊断成像、实验室服务和血库等辅助服务。