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57322 Support countries to address shortages of essential medicines and health products, personal protective equipment, and other medical supplies and to establish sustainable risk management practices to prevent future shortages. 支持各国解决基本药物和卫生产品、个人防护装备和其他医疗用品的短缺问题,并建立可持续的风险管理机制,以防今后发生短缺现象。
57323 Risk communication and community engagement 风险沟通和社区参与
57324 Continue risk communications and community engagement activities through the WHO Information Network for Epidemics (EPI-WIN) and other platforms to counter rumours and misinformation. 继续通过世卫组织流行病信息网络(EPI-WIN)和其他平台开展 、风险沟通和社 区参与活动,以制止谣言和错误信息。
57325 Continue to regularly communicate clear messages, guidance, and advice about the evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic, how to reduce transmission, and save lives. 继续定期就COVID-19大流行的演变情况以及如何减少传播和挽救生命传达明确 的信息、指导和建议。
57326 Work with partners and countries to articulate potential long-term consequences of COVID-19 pandemic, emphasizing the need for strengthened cross-sectoral preparedness, transparency and global coordination. 与伙伴和国家合作,阐明COVID-19大流行的潜在长期后果,强调有必要加强跨 部门防范、透明度和全球协调。
57328 Clarify the testing strategy, support countries to increase testing capacity, and aim to provide equitable access to diagnostic tests and supplies in light of market failures and global shortages. 澄清明确的检测策略,支持各国提高检测能力,同时力求在市场失灵和全球短缺的情况下,公平提供诊断检测和物资。
57329 Continue to provide guidance on monitoring disease trends using Severe Acute Respiratory Infections (SARI) and Influenza Like Illness (ILI) surveillance systems in anticipation of the co-circulation of influenza viruses. 继续指导通过严重急性呼吸道感染和流感样疾病的监测系统来监测疾病趋势,应对流感病毒的共同传播。
57330 Develop qualitative and quantitative indicators that countries can use to assess and monitor SARS-CoV-2 transmission at all levels of public health response. 制定定性和定量指标,使各国可根据这些指标在各级公共卫生应对中评估和监测SARS-CoV-2 的传播。
57331 Continue to support countries and partners by providing technical and operational guidance, training platforms, and tools such as Go.Data,to enhance case identification and contact tracing capacity, strengthen the public health workforce, and engage communities for contact tracing. 通过提供技术和业务指导、培训平台和Go.Data等工具,继续支持国家和合作伙 伴提高病例识别和接触者追踪能力,加强公共卫生人力队伍,和鼓励社区参与接触者追踪。
57332 Provide clear qualitative and quantitative indicators to monitor SARS-CoV-2 transmission to inform the adjustment of public health and social measures. 提供明确的定性和定量指标来监测SARS-CoV-2的传播,以便为调整公共卫生和 社会措施提供信息。