ID 原文 译文
57333 Travel and Trade 旅行和贸易
57334 Continue working with countries and partners to enable essential travel needed for pandemic response, humanitarian relief, repatriation, and cargo operations. 继续与各国和伙伴合作,支持大流行应对、人道主义救援、撤侨和所必需的基本旅行。
57335 Develop strategic guidance with partners for the gradual return to normal operations of passenger travel in a coordinated manner that provides appropriate protection when physical distancing is not feasible. 与合作伙伴一起制定战略指导,促进以协调的方式逐步恢复正常客运业务,在无法保持人际距离的情况下提供适当的保护措施。
57336 Update recommendations on appropriate travel measures and analyze their effects on international transmission of COVID-19, with consideration of the balance between benefits and unintended consequences, 在注意平衡利益与意外后果的前提下,考虑到关于症状前传播和无症状传播的潜在作用的证据,更新关于适当旅行措施,
57337 including entry and exit screening, education of travelers on responsible travel behaviour, case finding, contact tracing, isolation, and quarantine, by incorporating evidence on the potential role of pre-symptomatic and asymptomatic transmission. (包括出入境检查、对旅行者负责任旅行行为的教育、病例发现、接触者追踪、隔离和检疫)的建议并分析其对COVID-19国际传播的影响。
57338 To all States Parties 对所有缔约国的建议
57339 Coordination and Collaboration 协调与合作
57340 Support WHO leadership and continue to collaborate with WHO at all levels of the organization and with other countries to enable effective global COVID-19 pandemic preparedness and response. 支持世卫组织的领导,并继续与世卫组织各级和其他国家合作,以便能针对COVID-19大流行开展有效的全球防范和应对。
57341 Participate in global solidarity efforts to enable access to essential supplies for all. 参与全球团结互助努力,使所有人都能获得基本物资。
57342 Document and share lessons learned from efforts to control the pandemic, including the timing, pace, and sequencing of the application and lifting of public health measures. 记录并分享从控制大流行努力中吸取的经验教训,包括公共卫生措施应用和解除的时机、速度和顺序。