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57344 Strengthen preparedness for health emergencies, and build resilient health systems, incorporating lessons learned during different stages of the pandemic, and sharing experiences with other countries.  加强对突发卫生事件的防范,建立有抵御能力的卫生系统,纳入在大流行不同阶段吸取的经验教训,并与其他国家分享经验。
57345 Work with WHO and multisectoral partners to interrupt transmission by maintaining robust surveillance systems; 与世卫组织和多部门伙伴合作,通过维护强大的监测系统来阻断传播;
57346 enhancing capacities for case detection, testing, isolation of cases, contact tracing, quarantine of contacts, and rapid response; 提高病例发现、检测、病例隔离、接触者追踪、接触者隔离和快速反应的能力;
57347 strengthening the public health workforce; 加强公共卫生人力队伍;
57348 and actively engaging communities for contact tracing, with a particular focus on high risk areas. 并积极动员社区参与接触者追踪,对高风险地区应给予特别关注。
57349 In settings where testing a large proportion of suspected cases is not possible, monitor overall trends; 在不可能对大部分疑似病例进行检测的环境中,监控总体趋势;
57350 undertake early detection through laboratory confirmation of a limited number of cases with a focus on health workers; and rapidly implement public health measures. 通过实验室确认数量有限的病例,及早发现病例,并重点检测卫生工作者;以及迅速实施公共卫生措施。
57351 Share with WHO all data necessary to conduct global risk assessments through data platforms, such as the Global Influenza Surveillance and Response System and the IHR mechanism. 通过全球流感监测和应对系统以及《国际卫生条例》机制等数据平台,与世卫组织分享进行全球风险评估所必需的所有数据。
57352 These data should include SARI and ILI where available. 这些数据应包括可获得的严重急性呼吸道感染和流感样疾病数据。
57353 Use the WHO qualitative and quantitative indicators to assess and monitor SARS-CoV-2 transmission at all levels of public health response. 使用世卫组织的定性和定量指标来在各级公共卫生应对中评估和监测SARS-CoV-2的传播。