ID 原文 译文
57354 Additional Health Measures 额外卫生措施
57355 Avoid restrictions on international transport of food, medical and other essential supplies and permit the safe movement of essential personnel required for an effective pandemic response. 避免限制食品、医疗和其他必需品的国际运输,允许有效应对大流行所需的必要人员的安全流动。
57356 Implement appropriate travel measures with consideration of their public health benefits, including entry and exit screening, education of travelers on responsible travel behaviour, case finding, contact tracing, isolation, and quarantine, by incorporating evidence on the potential role of pre-symptomatic and asymptomatic transmission. 在注意平衡利益与意外后果的前提下,考虑到关于症状前传播和无症状传播的潜在作用的证据,实施适当的旅行措施,包括出入境检查、对旅行者负责任旅行行为的教育、病例发现、接触者追踪、隔离和检疫。
57357 Implement and monitor case finding and contact tracing of travellers, using digital tools where appropriate. 酌情使用数字工具,实施和监测对旅行者的病例发现和接触者追踪。
57358 Continue to review travel and trade measures based on regular risk assessments, transmission patterns at origin and destination, cost-benefit analysis, evolution of the pandemic, and new knowledge of COVID-19. 继续根据定期风险评估、来源地和目的地的传播模式、成本效益分析、大流行的演变以及关于COVID-19的新知识,审查旅行和贸易措施。
57359 Engage in global efforts to respond to the challenges of COVID-19 in managing maritime vessels. 参与全球努力,在管理海洋船舶方面应对COVID-19的挑战。
57360 Do not implement trade restrictions beyond those considered to be of public health importance in accordance with relevant international agreements. 除了根据相关国际协定实施对公共卫生具有重要意义的贸易限制之外,不要施加其他限制。
57361 Continue to provide appropriate public health rationale to WHO for additional health measures in accordance with IHR. 继续根据《国际卫生条例》向世卫组织提供关于额外卫生措施的适当公共卫生理由。
57362 Health Workers 卫生工作者
57363 Prioritize the protection of the health workforce through access to training and provision of personal protective equipment, infection prevention and control measures, improved working conditions, application of WHO recommended testing strategies, and prevention of stigma and attacks on health workers. 优先保护卫生工作者,为其提供培训和个人防护装备,采取感染预防和控制措施,改善工作条件,应用世卫组织建议的检测策略,并防止对卫生工作者的污名化和攻击行为。