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57374 and animal source and intermediate hosts, in collaboration with partners. 以及动物源和中间宿主。
57375 Continue to support and conduct COVID-19 research, in line with the WHO Research and Development Blueprint, and the road map for COVID-19 vaccines, diagnostics, and therapeutics. 根据世卫组织研发蓝图和COVID-19疫苗、诊断和治疗路线图,继续支持和开展 COVID-19研究。
57376 Continue sharing full genome sequences to increase global understanding of virus evolution and phylogenetics and their application to public health practices. 继续共享全基因组序列,以提高全球对病毒演变和系统发育的认识并加强其在公共卫生实践中的应用。
57377 Essential Health Services 基本卫生服务
57378 Maintain essential health services throughout a likely extended COVID-19 response. 在可能需要长时间应对COVID-19的过程中应维持基本卫生服务。
57379 This should include essential prevention for communicable diseases, particularly vaccination; 这应包括监控传染病的基本预防工作,特别是疫苗接种工作;
57380 services related to reproductive health, including care during pregnancy and childbirth; 提供生殖健康相关服务,包括妊娠和分娩期间的护理;
57381 care of vulnerable populations, such as young infants and older adults; 照护婴幼儿和老人等弱势人群;
57382 provision of medications and supplies for the ongoing management of chronic diseases, including mental health conditions; 为持续管理慢性疾病提供药物和用品,包括管理精神卫生问题;
57383 continuity of critical inpatient therapies; 持续提供关键的住院治疗;