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57384 management of emergency health conditions and common acute presentations that require time-sensitive intervention; 管理需要及时干预的紧急健康问题和常见急性病症;
57385 and auxiliary services, such as basic diagnostic imaging, laboratory services, and blood bank services.  以及提供基本诊断成像、实验室服务和血库等辅助服务。
57386 Continue to track and document the impact of COVID-19 on essential health services. 继续跟踪和记录COVID-19对基本卫生服务的影响。
57387 Three months ago, I convened the Emergency Committee under the International Health Regulations, 三个月前,我根据《国际卫生条例》召集了突发事件委员会开会。
57388 and after receiving their advice, I declared a global health emergency WHO’s highest level of alarm. 在收到该委员会的建议后,我宣布疫情构成全球突发公共卫生事件,发出了世卫组织最高级别的警报。
57389 Yesterday, I reconvened the Emergency Committee to review the evolution of the pandemic and advise me accordingly. 昨天,我再次召集了突发事件委员会会议,审议大流行病的演变并提出相应的建议。
57390 The committee consists of independent, international experts, representing all regions and the full range of relevant expertise. 该委员会由独立的国际专家组成,代表所有区域和所有相关的专业领域。 
57391 I’d like to thank the Chair of the committee, Professor Didier Houssin, and all the committee members. 我要感谢委员会主席迪迪埃·侯赛因教授和委员会所有委员。
57392 Of course, the pandemic remains a public health emergency of international concern. 当然,这场大流行病仍然是国际关注的突发公共卫生事件。
57393 The committee has made several recommendations for WHO, and for countries. 委员会为世卫组织和各国提出了一些建议。