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57394 To outline those recommendations, I’d now like to invite Professor Houssin to say a few words. 现在我想请侯赛因教授概述这些建议。 
57395 I would like to make a few remarks about the committee’s advice for WHO. 我想就委员会对世卫组织的建议发表一些看法。 
57396 We appreciate the confidence and trust expressed by the committee in WHO to continue to lead and coordinate the global response to the pandemic, in collaboration with countries and partners. 我们赞赏委员会对世卫组织表达的信任和信心。我们将与各国和合作伙伴通力合作,继续领导和协调全球应对这一大流行病的工作。 
57397 We are committed to fulfilling that role, and to accelerating our efforts. 我们致力于发挥这一作用并加紧努力 。
57398 WHO will continue supporting all countries with technical and logistical support, especially those that need it most. 世卫组织将继续向所有国家,特别是那些最需要的国家,提供技术和后勤支持。 
57399 We accept the committee’s advice that WHO works to identify the animal source of the virus through international scientific and collaborative missions, in collaboration with the World Organisation for Animal Health and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. 我们接受委员会的建议,同意世卫组织应与世界动物卫生组织和联合国粮食及农业组织合作,通过开展国际科学合作考察,确定病毒的动物来源。
57400 We will continue supporting countries to sustain essential health services, including vaccination, care for women during pregnancy and childbirth, and care for non-communicable diseases, including mental health conditions. 我们将继续支持各国维持基本卫生服务,包括疫苗接种、妊娠和分娩期间的护理以及包括精神健康状况在内的非传染性疾病的医护服务。
57401 As we have done clearly from the beginning, we will continue to call on countries to implement a comprehensive package of measures to find, isolate, test and treat every case, and trace every contact. 正如我们从一开始就明确指出的那样,我们将继续呼吁各国实施一套全面的措施,以发现、隔离、检测和治疗每一个病例,并追踪每一个接触者。
57402 We will continue working with countries and partners to enable essential travel needed for pandemic response, humanitarian relief and cargo operations, and for countries to gradually resume normal passenger travel. 我们将继续与各国和伙伴合作,保障大流行应对、人道主义救援和货运业务所必需的基本旅行,并协助各国逐步恢复正常客运。
57403 As Professor Houssin explained, the committee has also made recommendations for countries, and we encourage countries to pay careful attention to that advice. 正如侯赛因教授所指出的那样,委员会也为各国提出了建议。我们鼓励各国重视这些建议。