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57404 And we encourage countries to follow WHO’s advice, which we are constantly reviewing and updating as we learn more about the virus, and as we learn more from countries about best practices for responding to it. 我们鼓励各国遵循世卫组织的建议。随着我们对病毒的进一步了解,以及从各国了解应对该病毒的最佳做法,我们将不断审查和更新这些建议。
57405 In accordance with the International Health Regulations, I will reconvene the Emergency Committee again in 90 days, or sooner if needed. 根据《国际卫生条例》,我将在90天内再度召集突发事件委员会会议,如有必要,也可提前召集。 
57406 As you remember, last Friday we joined the European Commission and other partners to launch the ACT Accelerator, to ensure all people enjoy access to all the tools to prevent, detect and treat COVID-19. 如各位所知,上周五,我们与欧盟委员会和其他合作伙伴一道推出了“ACT加速计划”,以确保所有人都能使用各种工具来预防、检测和治疗COVID-19。
57407 This coming Monday, May 4, the Commission will host a pledging conference to generate funds for investment in vaccine research. 在5月4日(下周一),欧盟委员会将主办一次认捐会议,为研发疫苗的投资筹集资金。
57408 Today we are deepening our relationship with the European Union, by signing a new Memorandum of Understanding with the European Investment Bank, EIB.  今天,我们通过与欧洲投资银行签署新的谅解备忘录,加深了与欧盟的关系。 
57409 This agreement covers five main areas of work. 该协议涵盖五个主要工作领域。
57410 First, WHO and EIB will collaborate on a new EU Malaria Fund, to address market failures in developing more effective vaccines, drugs and diagnostics for malaria. 首先,世卫组织和欧洲投资银行将合作建立欧盟疟疾基金,以解决在开发更有效的疟疾疫苗、药物和诊断方法方面的市场失灵问题。
57411 Although malaria deaths have fallen by more than half since the year 2000, progress has stalled in recent years, 尽管自2000年以来疟疾死亡人数下降了一半以上,但近年来进展停滞不前。
57412 and may even reverse if the COVID-19 pandemic disrupts malaria control programmes.  倘若COVID-19大流行扰乱疟疾防控计划,甚至有可能发生逆转。 
57413 Last year, WHO’s Strategic Advisory Group on Malaria Eradication and the Lancet Commission on Malaria Eradication both concluded that we will need new tools if we are to achieve the dream of eradicating malaria.  去年,世卫组织消灭疟疾战略咨询小组和《柳叶刀》消灭疟疾委员会都得出结论认为,若要实现消灭疟疾的梦想,我们需要有新的工具。