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57414 Both reports called for increased investment in research and development to deliver new tools. 这两份报告都呼吁加大研发投入,以提供新的工具。
57415 With WHO’s technical expertise and the European Investment Bank’s financial muscle, we are confident of accelerating the development of those new tools. 凭借世卫组织的技术专长和欧洲投资银行的财经实力,我们有信心加速这些新工具的开发。
57416 Second, our two organizations will work together to foster the development of new innovative antibacterial treatments.  第二,我们两个组织将共同努力,促进新的创新抗菌疗法的开发。
57417 Antibiotic resistance is one the most urgent health challenges of our time. 抗生素耐药性是当今时代最紧迫的健康挑战之一。
57418 It threatens to unravel a century of medical progress, and leave us defenceless against infections that were previously easily treated.  它有可能破坏一个世纪以来的医学进步,使我们无法抵御以前容易治疗的感染。 
57419 Investment in antibiotic development has continued to decline. 对抗生素开发的投资持续下降。
57420 Some small antibiotic companies went bankrupt in 2019 because of the limited profitability of new antibiotics.  由于新抗生素的获利能力有限,一些小型抗生素公司于2019年破产。
57421 Very few new antibiotics are in the pipeline. 即将推出的新抗生素很少。
57422 Most of them offer little benefit over existing treatments, and very few target the most critical resistant bacteria. 与现有的治疗方法相比,它们大多效果甚微,且极少针对最关键的耐药性细菌。
57423 To address this challenge, WHO and the European Investment Bank are working on a fund to invest in the development of new antibiotics for priority pathogens.  为了应对这一挑战,世卫组织和欧洲投资银行正筹建一个基金,投资开发针对重点病原体的新型抗生素。