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57424 WHO and EIB now are in discussions with potential investors and other stakeholders on this initiative. 世卫组织和欧洲投资银行正就这一举措与潜在的投资者和其他利益攸关方进行讨论。
57425 Third, we will work together to strengthen primary health care and build resilient health systems.  第三,我们将共同努力,加强初级卫生保健,并建立有抵御力的卫生系统。
57426 The COVID-19 crisis has illustrated that even the most sophisticated health systems have struggled to cope with a pandemic.  COVID-19危机表明,即使是最先进的卫生系统也难以应对大流行病。 
57427 WHO has grave concerns about the potential impact the virus could have as it starts to accelerate in countries with weaker health systems. 世卫组织对这种病毒在卫生系统薄弱的国家开始加速传播可能产生的潜在影响深表担忧。
57428 With the EIB, we will therefore work urgently to invest in health infrastructure and health workers in 10 countries in Africa and the Middle East, to start with. 我们为此将与欧洲投资银行合作,首先对非洲和中东10个国家的卫生基础设施和卫生工作者作出紧急投资。 
57429 Fourth, EIB and WHO are exploring how the European Investment Bank could support the COVID-19 Supply Chain System, to facilitate the distribution of diagnostics, personal protective equipment and other medical supplies to countries that need them most.  第四,欧洲投资银行和世卫组织正在探索欧洲投资银行如何支持COVID-19供应 链系统,以促进向最需要的国家分发诊断试剂盒、个人防护装备和其他医疗用品。
57430 And fifth, we will work together to study market failures in other areas of public health, to examine how innovative financing could help overcome investment barriers and increase access to lifesaving products and services. 第五,我们将共同研究其他公共卫生领域的市场失灵现象,研究创新性融资如何帮助克服投资障碍并增加获得救生物品和服务的机会。 
57431 The EIB has rich experience in innovative financing. 欧洲投资银行在创新融资方面拥有丰富的经验。
57432 We look forward to seeing how that type of innovative financing could deliver real results for global health, when WHO is advocating health for all. 世卫组织倡导全民健康,我们期待看到这种创新融资为全球健康带来实际成果。
57433 As you know, we have been saying that all roads should lead to universal health coverage, 如各位所知,我们一向倡导所有道路都应通向实现全民健康覆盖。