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57464 2020年4月30日晚,国家主席习近平同秘鲁总统比斯卡拉通电话。 On the evening of 30 April, President Xi Jinping spoke with President Martín Vizcarra of Peru on the phone.
57465 习近平强调,面对新冠肺炎疫情,中方始终践行人类命运共同体理念,及时同各国和世卫组织分享疫情信息,推进国际抗疫合作。 Xi underscored that in the face of COVID-19, China, acting on the understanding that mankind is a community with a shared future, has shared information with other countries and the World Health Organization (WHO) in a timely manner and worked hard to advance international cooperation against the virus.
57466 中方尽己所能向多个国家和国际组织提供紧急物资援助,通过多种形式毫无保留分享防控经验,通畅防疫物资出口渠道,助力各国疫情防控。 China has provided emergency supplies to many countries and international organizations to the best of its ability, shared experience through various means without any reservation, and facilitated the export of anti-epidemic supplies.
57467 中方支持开展国际联防联控,支持世卫组织等国际组织发挥领导作用,支持加强国际宏观经济政策协调。 All this has helped the world better fight the virus. Xi reiterated China’s support for a global response, the WHO’s lead role and enhanced international coordination on macroeconomic policies.
57468 习近平指出,当前,包括秘鲁在内的拉美和加勒比国家疫情不断扩散蔓延,中方坚定支持秘鲁政府和人民抗击疫情,将继续在力所能及范围内向秘方提供支持和帮助。 Xi noted that as COVID-19 spreads through Latin America and the Caribbean, China firmly supports the government and people of Peru and will continue to provide help and assistance to the best of its ability.
57469 相信在你领导下,秘鲁一定能够早日战胜疫情。通过共同抗疫,中秘两国人民友谊也将得到升华。 He expressed his confidence that under the leadership of President Vizcarra, Peru will prevail over the disease soon and that Sino-Peruvian friendship will be strengthened in this process.
57470 中方高度重视发展中秘关系,愿同秘方一道努力,加强沟通,创新合作,共建“一带一路”,推动中秘全面战略伙伴关系持续发展,以更多实实在在的成果迎接明年两国建交50周年。 China attaches great importance to the relationship and will work with Peru to enhance communication, seek new modes of cooperation and implement Belt and Road projects. Progress in these areas will help advance Sino-Peruvian comprehensive strategic partnership as the two sides prepare to celebrate the 50th anniversary of their diplomatic ties in 2021.
57471 比斯卡拉表示,秘中关系良好,各领域交流合作稳步发展。 Vizcarra hailed the good relations between Peru and China, underpinned by steady progress in all areas of bilateral exchanges and cooperation.
57472 中方企业投资促进了秘鲁基础设施建设和经济社会发展。 Chinese investment has contributed to Peru’s infrastructure, economic and social development.
57473 秘方愿以庆祝明年两国建交50周年为契机,推动双边关系进一步发展。 Peru sees the golden jubilee of their diplomatic ties as an excellent opportunity to further advance the bilateral relations.