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57484 习近平强调,人类是休戚与共的命运共同体,在疫情面前尤其如此。 Xi stressed that mankind is a community that rises and falls together, a point driven home by the ferocious virus.
57485 中方愿同包括捷克在内的国际社会一道,积极开展有效联防联控,坚决遏制疫情蔓延,同时加强宏观经济政策协调,共同应对疫情给世界经济带来的挑战,坚定维护国际公平正义和国际关系基本准则。 He emphasized China's determination to work with the Czech Republic and others to forge an effective global response and stem the spread of the virus. Meanwhile, it is important to step up macroeconomic policy coordination to offset downward risks for the world economy and to uphold fairness and norms in international relations.
57486 相信在国际社会携手努力下,人类最终一定能够战胜疫情。 He expressed optimism that concerted global action will help mankind defeat the pandemic.
57487 习近平强调,中捷关系良好发展符合两国和两国人民根本利益。 Xi emphasized that the sound growth of China-Czech relations serves the fundamental interests of both sides.
57488 中方高度重视中捷关系发展,愿同捷方一道努力,推动中捷战略伙伴关系不断发展。 China attaches high importance to the relationship and will work with the Czech side to move forward the strategic partnership between the two countries.
57489 我期待疫情之后同你会面,共同擘画中捷和中国-中东欧国家关系未来。 Xi added that he looks forward to meeting his Czech counterpart after the COVID-19 situation is over, to jointly chart the course for bilateral ties and China-CEEC relations.
57490 泽曼表示,中国成功控制新冠肺炎疫情,经济展现良好发展前景。 President Zeman commended China for its success in beating COVID-19 and the strong outlook of the Chinese economy.
57491 感谢中方为捷克抗击疫情提供宝贵支持和援助。 He appreciated the timely support and assistance from China, and underscored the deep friendship between the two countries and their peoples.
57492 捷中友谊根深蒂固,双方人民互怀友好感情,我是中国真诚的朋友,将努力推动双边合作,确保两国关系排除干扰,继续向前发展,我期待不久再次访华。 Describing himself as a sincere friend of China, Zeman promised to advance bilateral cooperation to take forward the relationship without any interruption. He also expressed his fond hope to visit China again soon.
57493 自1月20日出现首例确诊病例,到现在已经100多天,美国确诊病例突破100万,死亡过6万。 미국에서는 1월 20일에 처음 확진자가 나온 이후 현재까지 100일간 확진자가 100만 명을 초과하고, 사망자도 6만 명이 넘었다.